
So...did all the OG duckfans just turn to helluva boss or is it just me?


          	  (Logean) My Opposite Persona, Naloge, forced me to watch Helluva Boss, and the amount of profanity almost killed me.
          	  {Naloge} Logean doesn't understand the true art of Animations with Swears!


So...did all the OG duckfans just turn to helluva boss or is it just me?


            (Logean) My Opposite Persona, Naloge, forced me to watch Helluva Boss, and the amount of profanity almost killed me.
            {Naloge} Logean doesn't understand the true art of Animations with Swears!


Hey! Just wanted to say that I'm a HUGE fan of your books! I was also wondering if you could maybe come check out mine? I have 2 lol but I'm not sure if they're any good. Have a great day/night! You're awesome at what you do!


@LouieDuck395 NP! I'll check them out when I can!


PS thanks for the follow


So the final chapter of: “The life and times of Scrooge Mcduck is being removed from Disney comics…
          I had a friend who told me I should buy all books digitally because it was “bad for the environment” 
          (Clearly this dumb kid didn’t know that the paper industry also plants trees to replace the ones they cut down.) but THIS is exactly why I don’t buy them digitally.
          The duck comics are by far the best thing Disney came out with…that’s mostly because the artists were free to write what they wanted due to Disney not really caring about them. To think Don Rosa continued to be part of such a company just for the sake of characters he loved. A true artist. 
          I told my friends and family that I wanted this book before it was unpublished- so I got 2 copies of the book. 
          For any duck fans- I recommend buying it (at least Pt 2) before they take them down. It’s literally the best piece of duckfiction out there.


@ihavenonamehalp yessss thank you so much


            I got them on Amazon, they’re by Don Rosa. Totally worth the read.


Okay…so yesterday I binged the final season of ducktales to hopefully gain some inspiration for my books again….
          First  if all, season 3 was the worst of the three in my opinion.
          I liked the finale more than I did when I first watched it, but I still don’t love it…? 
          Okay so…
          Throughout the whole show Webby learns that family is chosen  right? Her friends become her family and she chose the greatest family ever that she was (arguably over) obsessed with, she is told that just because she’s not biologically a mcduck doesn’t mean she’s not just as important or special in her own way right? 
          The finally basically gave everyone a good dose of: just kidding, she is a mcduck and that’s why she’s special.
          Every other character who is part of the “found family” trope ends up overlooked or they just find a different family.
          Lena is promised to have a part of the mcduck family: she leaves to go live with violet.
          Launchpad is considered family until della returns and takes his job. (He tries to make a family with drake and gos because he desperately wants a family)
          Beakley is still technically considered family but never really had enough screen time to connect with anyone except Webby who overlooks her a lot in favor of her friends or Scrooge.
          I don’t think this was intentional, but it is strange to me. Ducktales is not a found family trope but instead a family legacy story. Which is fine.
          The ending also had a moment where Lena and violet were like: “We’re your sisters, we understand you and we love you.”
          And Webby is like: “Yeah…but they’re  actually my sisters.”
          •___• uh what? No. They’re clones.
          Also- I’m sorry but I hate May and June, they’re rude, bossy, annoying, whiney, and they weren’t unique or interesting at all.
          Then Donald left!
          Anyway sorry for the rant. I’m almost done with finding family, I just need to edit it.
          What did you guys think of the finale?


            The plane thing was super weird- the 5 main characters didn’t even have a parachute. rip. The idea with Huey is so freaking cool I would’ve loved to see a darker Huey! And a story that he could actually learn from instead of the final just having like- 10 minutes of him? Idk.  Also I would’ve loved a better explanation for the duke- and literally anything with Goldie. Like, I wouldn’t have expected a wedding, because they’re them. But for them to start a new adventure  together or something would’ve been perfect. Like Donald and daisy but…less heartbreaking and betrayal-like lol 
            Poe never being found drives me insane! He was so cool, so fun! He deserves justice!
            Beakley was disappointing, we see she had a love interest of sorts in the final ( Picture of her and some guy on Webby‘s board) but no explanation of  who he is either!


            Have to agree. 
            People keep blaming Scrooge for della and that wasn’t fair at all-
            And I hate Bradford as a villain. He was boring af
            Lena is amazing. I wish she got more.
            Huey deserved some development and barley got any but I agree Louie andDewey got good arcs. Webby’s story seemed kinda rushed and last minute, also unnecessary. I would’ve liked if she got a better story (for my own book I’m writing in what I wanted to see for an appropriate Webby story) but anyway- 
            I wasn’t a big fan of penny, but I do like her better than gandra…she was Mm not as bad as the original but a wasted opportunity to do something really cool IMO and we didn’t get nearly enough black herring.
            Imagine if they found Poe or something and brought him back for the finale? THAT would’ve been cool!


@LouieDuckFan1347 woah that's a lot of writing but yessssss I agree w you so much fvcdrxesxrtdygb


You haven't updated since OCTOBER


I've been now recently going on here now


nah its fine I haven't been on here in a while too haha


            Heheh yeah….a lots been going on. I’m sorry


So... I found this in our old notes and wanted to share because it made me laugh.
          “I can’t wait to meet a real astronaut!”
          “Ahem! Dewey? I’m a real Astronaut.”Della says.
          Dewey tenses, “Well...technically you’re not.”
          “What? Come on, I got a spaceship and I’ve walked on the moon!”
          “Yeah, but that doesn’t make you an astronaut. You can go to the North Pole but that doesn’t make you a penguin.”
          Huey corrects, “there are no penguins at the North Pole, Dewey.”


Alskdbsjskdj Love that


Confession time! Demons is based on my own internal struggle with OSDD, Anxiety, and depression. I have alters, I’m part of a OSDD-1b system. And I didn’t know when writing demons. But I found out sometime last year. I’ve been trying to be accepting and learning all I can about them. I was re-reading my story today and I suddenly realized how obvious it was, my past stories (even before Wattpad) was trying to tell me something about head mates and disassociation. Thank you guys for being so supportive and kind. Have you ever realized something about yourself through reading your own writing? If you have any questions feel free to ask. And thank you for being so amazing. Take care of yourselves. ❤️


@ihavenonamehalp  oh wlel its good to know  on what ur basing ur writting, and wow it must a huge balance betweeen emotions and writting, I totally get it.


@ihavenonamehalp I have, but mainly I realize through other's writting, such as your own!