
Greetings from the land of my mental chaos! I am here to inform you that my short story "Alexandra," has now been morphed into the first short story in a book titled "A Painted Mask and A Voice in the Dark." More short stories shall follow soon. Thank you, and Good Night/Morning/whatever it is where you live.




@LuunaaPhase  ahhh I wish. my first one is tomorrow lol. just want to get them over with 


@iambibliophilic Tomorrow’s my last exam day and last day of spring semester


Greetings from the land of my mental chaos! I am here to inform you that my short story "Alexandra," has now been morphed into the first short story in a book titled "A Painted Mask and A Voice in the Dark." More short stories shall follow soon. Thank you, and Good Night/Morning/whatever it is where you live.


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Alright, lemme learn y'all a thing. This person is lowkey professional writer. There are lots of books on Wattpad with almost no grammar, plot, or effort that have millions of reads. I don't understand the system, but I don't have to. 1. Because I don't trust the system. 2. Because this person's stuff is the shit, if I do say so myself. Her new book Reality is like Hunger Games and Divergent's love child but not. Don't get me wrong, her stuff is anything but basic. She's got her own individuality and style which is hard to come by in this world of hot bad boy fanfiction that keeps clogging up my feed. No hate tho I've read a couple. Anyway, this chick gives 110%, I'm like 89.375% positive she draws plot diagrams in her sleep. This is like completely objective but this b*tch is my best friend and lemme tell you 6 years don't lie. REaD hER BoOKs. They're pretty good actually. And not just "wow grammar doesn't completely suck and there's some smut, I lucked out" good. I mean like "wow there's grammar and a plot and no smut but some fluff" good. Oh it's not a romance btw but you get the picture. So, happy early birthday iambibliophilic, just keep doing you. Keep writing. P.S. her poetry is good too


Babe you flatter me, really, you do