
please follow @1mag1nes if you enjoy imagines... all her books are imagines! follow pleaseeeee


Hey guys please could you start submitting imagines again - just message me with them please?? I'm gonna start doing some as English revision for my GCSEs and then the rest in the holidays!! Check my bio for fandoms i'll add a list :) xxx


I'm sorry to bother you but I was wondering if you could help me.
          You see, I've recently started an online Wattpad support group for anyone suffering with anything. It's a safe place for people to talk and be comforted. Everyone is welcome and I'd love it if you would be willing to spread the word of it's existance. My goal is to help people who have suffered just as I have. It's called The Support Group and can be found via my profile, in the My Works section.
          All I truly want to do is help people. :)
          Thank you for reading this message and have a wonderful day. :)


@hyperlokicookie Thank you so much. :) I will definitely keep your offer in mind. :)


@TeaAndSympathy that's really kind and considerate of you. if I can do anything or help just ask if you need me to do anything xxx I've also got a help blog on Instagram called Chasingtheshadows xxx