
Hi everyone. Exam season is kicking my ass but I’ll be back with updates soon 


          Sorry for writing on your message board 
          I hope this message finds you well. I'm excited to recommend my book, "Hearts Entwined in Jannah," to you. It's a captivating story that promises daily updates with your support through votes and comments. I sincerely hope you fall in love with my writing. Don't forget to give me a follow if you enjoy the journey.
          This is a sequel, and if you're intrigued, you can also check out the main book on my profile. I hope both stories resonate with you!


Hi everyone. I hope you've had a blessed and peaceful Ramadan. I pray we all live to see another one. 
          Lucent will be wrapped up in 2 to 3 chapters. I've decided on the ending, and I'm quite satisfied. 
          I'm currently working on two books. Both have a plot outlined, but they're polar opposites. One is going to be gut-wrenching, and the other is just a good time. I'm thinking of releasing them simultaneously to challenge myself to write more, but I'm not sure whether I can be consistent or not. 
          Anyway, I just felt like updating you all because I want to carry you all along.


@hynoarchives  i enjoyed all ur books and cant  wait to read more. more ink to ur pen


Hii.. Iam from  India.. I recently read your book "His"... I am type of silent reader... But I don't know I couldn't stop  myself from sending this.. I genuinely wanted to appreciate you for your hard work and talent. I really loved the way you wrote this book.. From all the Pov of every character and not being so typical leads and bringing the natural behaviour including all emotions in a very perfect way , taking the story in a vey decent path making comfortable to read and i liked the the the way you present the childrens naughtiness which makes readers laugh and enjoy... And it was  a different kind of experience reading this book from which I have read more than 25 books in this platform.. The words you have used and the way you presented was incredible... Keep going on and may allah lead you too  a bright future.


@Ayshathjazerra This is the sweetest thing ever. Thank you so much for your kind words. I'm glad you enjoyed it.


Heyy I love your story. I was hoping if you would write another story entailing the children in HIS thank you 


Hii! OMG, thank you for loving the atrocious things I concoct in my head and then put on this app. I have plans to do this once I figure out the logistics of it. Writing a story set many years in the future is hard when you haven't been to said future But hopefully, I'll have it figured out soon.