
Hey guys! Wow. It's been a while... I figured y'all deserved a life update... Since it's currently 2 am, what better time to remember. So, I graduated high school last May, got out of a majorly toxic friendship, (Hi Arianna!) and lost all my friends along with that because they were all on her side... Story for another time. That was in July... Things have just been so stressful and crazy lately. I'm in my second semester as a Psychology major (Thank you person on the internet for telling me my degree was useless!). I actually haven't ridden since like 2017 which really sucks. I really miss riding and jumping, but I have so much going on, I barely have time to spend with my own dogs. I'm not sure where I'm really going to end up at this point. Still no boyfriend, still have major trust issues, still a giant cry-baby... I mean, right now, life is just strange. It's really strange. I mean, y'all, I haven't been on here since before Trump was president. How crazy is that? I mean, dam that was a  better time. I'm still obsessed with PJO... Wow, the last time I was on here... The Heroes of Olympus series was barely finished.. and there's a musical now! I'm so tired so a few small things before I hit the road. I started writing a new story, but I don't know if I'm going to publish on my professional account on here. If and when I decide, I'll let you guys know. Also, you are loved and cared about still no matter how little I'm here. Thanks. - Alexa Nicholle.


Hey guys! Wow. It's been a while... I figured y'all deserved a life update... Since it's currently 2 am, what better time to remember. So, I graduated high school last May, got out of a majorly toxic friendship, (Hi Arianna!) and lost all my friends along with that because they were all on her side... Story for another time. That was in July... Things have just been so stressful and crazy lately. I'm in my second semester as a Psychology major (Thank you person on the internet for telling me my degree was useless!). I actually haven't ridden since like 2017 which really sucks. I really miss riding and jumping, but I have so much going on, I barely have time to spend with my own dogs. I'm not sure where I'm really going to end up at this point. Still no boyfriend, still have major trust issues, still a giant cry-baby... I mean, right now, life is just strange. It's really strange. I mean, y'all, I haven't been on here since before Trump was president. How crazy is that? I mean, dam that was a  better time. I'm still obsessed with PJO... Wow, the last time I was on here... The Heroes of Olympus series was barely finished.. and there's a musical now! I'm so tired so a few small things before I hit the road. I started writing a new story, but I don't know if I'm going to publish on my professional account on here. If and when I decide, I'll let you guys know. Also, you are loved and cared about still no matter how little I'm here. Thanks. - Alexa Nicholle.


This is amazing! I finally found someone who is just as insane about horses as me!


You know what.... I am sorry. It probably seems bad because I say it alot. but, summer went by so fast. :/ I am going camping for a week with my family so no internet=no writing. And...I may be able to get horse back riding lessons. :) So, schedule maybe becomes 2x fuller .... lus school. that makes 3. but, I will write when I have time. love you guys and welcome new followers!!!! 


ang mensaheng ito ay maaaring nakaksakit
Would you guys kill me if I stopped Stoneridge for a week and wrote a Heartland fanfiction instead? I watched the season finale for Heartland today and totally flipped out. So, weather you like it or not, a heartland fic is coming soon and I can write some Stoneridge. Also, have a report for school but I don't want to work on it... aghhh. bye guysss


I owe you guys a serious apology. I know, I've apologized so many times about the same thing, but it needs to be there or else it feels like I left you all in wait. School really caught up with me these last two weeks. I got so caught up in finishing school work and choir and trying not to fall behind that I stopped writing about a week and a half ago. I am so making it up to you guys though! Trust me, I will have chapter 5 up hopefully by Tuesday. :) So sorry! Or if I can, it could be up tonight around one am if I feel like it. Anyways, back to cleaning my room. (I just finished organizing my bookshelf, took 2 hours!!!) Hope you guys have a nice night! 
                                          - Horsepassion <3