
I have been away from here for a very long time. I love writing and I have a lot of ideas but I don't think I can write very well. I end up hating my work when I read it after a while. So I have decided that I will share some of my plot ideas with you guys so that the people who are genuinely good at writing can do an amazing job at making my imagination come to life. I am also making an effort to come back to writing. I just published the first chapter of Imposter (a book that I had teased 2 years ago). As I mentioned I won't really have an uploading schedule but since I am free I might release multiple chapters in one day or I might publish a chapter after weeks. But I really hope that no matter what you enjoy the story and like it.
          	That was a long announcement. Too long. Sorry.


@homiekook I look forward to them!


@PrissyPricila Yes I do have some Jimin stories that I want to write 


If you post Jimin stories then I’ll read it for sure! 


I have been away from here for a very long time. I love writing and I have a lot of ideas but I don't think I can write very well. I end up hating my work when I read it after a while. So I have decided that I will share some of my plot ideas with you guys so that the people who are genuinely good at writing can do an amazing job at making my imagination come to life. I am also making an effort to come back to writing. I just published the first chapter of Imposter (a book that I had teased 2 years ago). As I mentioned I won't really have an uploading schedule but since I am free I might release multiple chapters in one day or I might publish a chapter after weeks. But I really hope that no matter what you enjoy the story and like it.
          That was a long announcement. Too long. Sorry.


@homiekook I look forward to them!


@PrissyPricila Yes I do have some Jimin stories that I want to write 


If you post Jimin stories then I’ll read it for sure! 


╭  : Harmony in purpose, brilliance in action. ˓˓  リ
          │Ethereal, a vibrant community, within its embrace tranquility lies the power to create miracles.   ᜔   ✽̲ 
          │Together, we embrace teamwork, diversity, and endless possibilities, illuminating lives and inspiring growth just as the ethereal dance of fireflies illuminates the night with their magical glow. ˓˓  リ
          │Whether you are a seasoned professional, a budding enthusiast, or someone looking to explore new horizons, Ethereal offers a platform for personal and professional development.   ᜔   ✽̲ 
          │Join us in manifesting brilliance and forging a future where excellence reigns.  ˓˓  リ
          ╰ : Ethereal: Where dreams become reality  ᜔   ✽̲ 


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