
this message may be offensive
Stop whatever the fuck you're doing and go watch my new favourite movie, Captain Fantastic. 


It's been quiet from me lately. I'm working on what I will be arrogant enough to call a project bigger than the wattpad short stories I dump here.
          Still, I will tell you that I have been posting a Halloween story every October these past two (or is it three?) years, and I sure won't break that tradition. 
          Happy Hallowiener, bitch.


Samir knew the best place to get fries in Ohmoley was by the Fried Potato Truck that did nothing more than drive around town with a jingle that would drive him half-mad.
          	It was red and green, squared to the shape, with a dead guy behind the steering wheel.
          	The dead guy’s name was Tom, but everybody called him Dead Tom. He was no more than bones, sitting there every day with his hands on the wheel, soundlessly singing along to the Jazz he had on tapes played so often they had gotten worn down.
          	Dead Tom didn’t speak, just drove the truck and sang without a voice.
          	The fries were served from the side of the truck. There was only one kind of fries, and those were fried potato fries and they would be given to you by Dead Nancy, which was Dead Tom’s girlfriend. No one had seen Dead Nancy’s head, only her skeletal hands, which would reach through the truck’s one small window to give you your fries. She would hold them out, but not let go of them until you had paid her. What Dead Nancy accepted as a payment would be different with everyone, but all she wanted from Samir was for him to stand on his tippy toes and whisper through the window which girl he thought was the prettiest. Then when she had received the name, she would giggle, let him take his fries.
          	Then the truck would drive off, in it’s endless short melody.


Dagens experiment visar:
          Min hypotes stämmer - det är svårt att spontanbegrava en kropp i skogen, 


@MonPuer man kan också passa på att mörda på hösten, när allt trädgårdsbråte ändå ska brännas. eller, om man har grisar, bara behöva begrava de större benen någonstans!


@ 365stressed  dude tänkte faktiskt på det, om det skulle kunna bli en bok av något slag


Tack för att jag inte är ensam om att tänka på sånt här 


just pulished a short story, it's called TERO and I'm quite pround of it.
          published another short story a few days ago, too, that one's called THE GREAT BUT UNREMARKABLE APPERENCE AND DISSAPERENCE OF ED and I'm quite proud of that one aswell.
          I will probably translate them both to swedish when I have time.
          have a great life.


all of GO TO MARS is published now. it might be a trainwreck, but it's something and i finished it.
          ( i don't know if it's something wrong with my account, or wp itself, but if might be some glitches (double chapters ect) going on. is anyone else noticing it or is my phone dying? )