
First of all,you shouldn't impersonate someone and then insult them and no one is a cow here. Second of all,what did they ever to do you? No one should be discriminated for their looks or anything at all. I kindly ask you to change your username and remove the insult given to Lexie,I'm not wanting to cause trouble at all. Thank you.


this message may be offensive
Listen here buddy, I don't want to take this any further than it has to go. So let me get this straight. One, she is NOT, I repeat, NOT a cow, so I suggest you take that out of your bio. Two, Stop impersonating her, we have known her far longer then you have and you don't even use the same grammar as her. So, cut your bullshit!


Stucazzo cagna,
          If you're gonna go ahead and impersonate me you might as well just quit it. I don't care who you actually are, just please do me a favor and choke on broken glass for me. 
          THE REAL LEXIE GRAY xox
          PS: I'm 100% positive you'll use Google Translate to translate my Italian, you culo.