
I’m an now 17 I can’t believe it also more story’s will be updated soon probably not today as I’ll be at six flags 


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Not like people see these but if you do... How do you tell your family your lesbian? If you know that will help. 


@hannahnboom  rosey has unfollowed you


@hannahnboom well. First I would say to gauge the situation. Probe and see what they feel about lgbtq rights etc. Maybe even ask what they think about conversion therapy. Like... mention something in the news about maybe biden repealing the transgender military ban, and see their reactions then go from their. If they seem very volatile and against it do not come out until you are in a situation where you are stable enough and healthy enough to leave if things go south. 
            If you want actual coming out advice, I would say write down everything you want to say. And sort of plan it out. That's helped me at least (I haven't come out too family, just friends. But I assume it works either way). Explain why you are deciding to come out. And talk about how you are the same person maybe. That's the best advice I can give you. 
            Oh. And dont do it if you dont want to. Dont let someone else pressure you into coming out of the closet in order to be valid. Coming out doesnt make you any more valid than any other person. 
            Hope that helps. And sorry I responded so late :)


@hannahnboom I  have no clue how to tell my family I'm bi so I don't know how to help I'm sorry!!