
Chapter 37 of Capture the Frail is out peeps!


heeey!! thank you for the message!!!! I really appreciate it a looot!!! You have no idea how much.
           6 months ago i broke my tailbone bad enough to not be able to sit even now. Now I'm at the point where i can prop myself up on a pillow, but before that i couldn't even do that:( 
          Thank you very much for the encouragement though! There's a few chapters I'll be editing and releasing soon enough, so wish me luck!


Whoa yar..u r rly a nice authr.srsly.i m nt buttrng u..bt hey i m cnfsd over a part..did zach take Ang's vrgnity? Or, the most rmntc part hv nt cm yet? I m hopng 4 d 2nd..bt if it is nt thn also it is f9 yar...bt y dnt u put d dtls?*pouty face* U r awsm on dtls..


Heey people! I know it's been like a thousand years! Had many things going on so I couldn't really update, but here it is, chapter 34 of CAPTURE THE FRAIL is finally out! Hope you enjoy! An I just hope I haven't lost or annoyed many of my readers with such a long wait.