
Aww what a nice compliment! Thank you for reading the story, and of course, for the friendly review. Really means a lot!


Thank you so much! I thought perhaps I was doing something wrong, seeing as the story doesn't draw in many readers. So hearing your kind words really makes it all worthwhile. Hope you're looking forward to the following update!


why you don't calling the shots anymore


Don't worry, I'm still calling the shots I swear. I'm aware it's taking so damn long for me to update, even though I promised it wouldn't happen anymore. I'm still working on it and I haven't thrown in the towel yet, just wanted to make that clear. Again, sorry for the delay. I know, I'm a jerk, urgh!


Thank you! I know it's not getting a lot of attention, but it's all worth the effort when people such as yourself truly enjoy reading the story and drop a nice comment here and there. Even if it's only a handful of readers, I'm grateful! So you're a Hanamiya fan? I think that's pretty obvious hehe. I try so hard to do him justice and NOT ruin his character. He's such a difficult character to pen down, you know? Really hope I'm doing well so far, and if I mess up, please do tell! Again, thank you kindly for the comment. It certainly made my day!