
Hello My Amazing Followers and Supporters!
          	I have finally posted Chapter 13 for TGWTWT!
          	Thank you all for being patient and I appreciate the constant support. Please let me know what you think of this chapter and what you would like to see in the next one! 
          	Thanks again!
          	Much Love, C.B


Hello My Amazing Followers and Supporters!
          I have finally posted Chapter 13 for TGWTWT!
          Thank you all for being patient and I appreciate the constant support. Please let me know what you think of this chapter and what you would like to see in the next one! 
          Thanks again!
          Much Love, C.B


Hey guys,
          So last week was really rough. I had to put my dog down due to health complications. She was thirteen so she had a long life but Gigi was literally my best friend. Acknowledging she would no longer be here with me was very difficult to come to terms with and has postponed some of my writing deadlines and/or goals. So for the sake of healing and moving on I will not but posting any TGWTWT updates today (I'm trying to make Sunday's my update days) as I don't have the heart to write but I will be posting a short story I wrote a while back to compensate. Please let me know what you guys think! I would love that! Thanks for understanding guys!
          Much Love, C.B


Hey fam! 
          Just posted a short story called Pool Party Mystery! If you want more short stories I have a couple more I can throw at ya! Add your vote to the story to let me know to keep them coming! Thank you all for the love!
          That is all <3
          Much Love, C.B


Hey there people!
          Me again! Just letting you know that I am currently writing Chapter 14 which means Chapter 13 is completed! I will post next sometime, maybe even make Sunday's my posting days, but expect a new chapter next week! 
          Definitely excited where the book is going. Putting things in place that will later prove to be important so remember the little things!
          Thank you again for being supportive. It means everything to me. 
          Much Love, C.B


GUYS! I posted another chapter for The Girl with the Wolf Tattoo!
          Chapter 11 is officially posted and I am hopefully going to post Chapter 12 in a little bit. I will try my best to keep updating until it is completed. There is noting worse than falling in love with a book and then the author just ghosts out entirely. So sorry for the wait but just know I am working on it!
          Thanks so much for the patience and continued support! 
          Much Love, C.B


Hey Loyal Followers Who I Don't Deserve, 
          Some technical difficulties have stopped me from writing. On top of that my life got flipped upside but only for a moment. I will be back to writing and editing things in a jiff. Plus, I don't know why but when I copied my rewrite for TGWTWT it added weird symbols instead of " or '. I don't know why but in the mean time of not being able to write or edit anything on Word Docs, I will be editing the text on the story that is posted. So sorry for the delays and inconsistency. You guys are rockstars! 
          Much Love, C.B


Hello everyone!! GUESS WHAT! 
          The Girl With The Wolf Tattoo is being updated! I haven't touched this book since I originally started it and I'm so sorry that it has taken me this long to dust it off and finish it. I have gone back to the previous chapters and edited them SO if you read the book I suggest you read it again! Because things are getting crazy! 
          A HUGE Thank you to my supporters who consistently remind me that I am not a failure as a writer. You guys are amazing! 
          Please read the book from the beginning and let me know what you think so far!
          Much Love, C.B


SO I've been editing like crazy and decided to totally change the story line. I kept most of it but the good stuff got changed to better stuff. IM SO EXCITED! Guys, it is seriously amazing and I cant wait to post it. Thank you to all my loyal followers that have been asking for updates! 


Hey everyone! Long time since I've been on here but I want major feed back. I want to rename LID and I need your help! If you could describe the book in one word, what word would that be? Please contact me as soon as possible. Thanks yall!!!


Hey guys! As you (hopefully) noticed, I was able to not only update but totally change the plot to I Just Want To Play My Music. I was such an amateur when I wrote it and I was honestly shocked that some of you guys stuck around, asking for the updates. I am proud to introduce the new and improved  musically-inclined inspired book. Please give it a read there are 4 new chapters with an introduction. You guys are amazing, you make me push myself to set out time to write. Love you all!!! <3