
this message may be offensive
what the fuck 


My goodness Anna isn’t it crazy how far we have come! It’s been such a long while since we’ve talked and look at us now both in high school doing big things! I will never forget you becoming my internet best friend back in 2015 LOL! Hope your doing well love and miss you 
          XOXO ZO ❤️


hey so i couldn't sleep tonight and i stumbled across this account.  i've barely touched it since middle school, and it shows how much i've changed and how much my priorities have shifted.  
          my obsessions used to include one direction and harry potter and percy jackson.  now my main focus is my anatomy and physiology class or my german homework.  i used to be so hung up over guys not liking me and now i barely remember who i was talking about.  i'm a junior in highschool. i've put this me, the one who whines about rejection and middle school crushes, and how much her best friends have abandoned her, way in the past.
          i've seriously grown (although not physically, im still short as hell). but i gave up caring about the trivial things that i used to post about.  honestlu, this post is just a testament to how much i've changed as a person and as a student.  
          while i do miss the world that is wattpad, it is also a landark of my past.  i'm just not as interested in writing anymore.  i'm a definite science junkie.
          so while i may check up on this account every once in awhile, don't expect me to answer messages or update my stories continuously.  
          love, anna


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HEY BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
          wow i havent been on wattpad in over a year.  im so so sorry i kinda just disappeared? but i guess i logged out in a depressive episode and never logged back in?????? 
          idk if any of yall remember me, but im back for good. i might act differently now that im out of middle school and shit but im here and im still the same person with the same name and the same passions and the same personality.  
          winnie, damn, im so sorry i did that to you.  i was a really bad friend, internet or not. so if you see this, just know im sorry and that i miss you and that i still have that sketch you drew over  year ago of bradon and sam and i love you.
          so im back. im going to start writing and posting again.  always open to prompts and recommendations and requests :)
          im sorry and love and missed yall, anna <3


I'm so glad you're back Anna! <3 I missed you!


Hi Anna!!! 
            Missed you too!! So glad your back on Wattpad!! ❤️❤️


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@Forever_The_Fangirl You have scared the shit out of me... Im in shock right now...


I love the song of Lost Boy


            There was a time when I was alone, no place to go and no place to call home.
            My only friend was the man in the moon, but even sometimes he would go away too


@LoyalGryffindor its so beautiful right?????????


I'm a fangirl and I loved your work everything you need to know about a fangirl 
          Oh how rude of me I'm Anna


@yeshelloido aw bb im so sorry but im back!!!!! hi!!!!!! if u wanna talk im always open to new friends!!!!!!!


Yea I got that by now makes me feel sad though 


@yeshelloido Figured I'd say, she's not on wattpad anymore... She left... 