
check out the new story on my main account!! xoxo


what's everyone's thoughts on the new beta coins idea?? yay, nay?


@gracce- I’m with you there... making it a donation thing would make a lot more sense. I don’t have the money to put into wattpad either, so it’s kind of disappointing that we can’t read some of the books on a platform that is supposed to be free. But I guess we’ll just have to see how it goes! :)


@QuillAtDusk @TheGazillionthWriter at first i thought it was really interesting but now i'm not that big of a fan. see, one of the main reasons i joined wattpad was specifically because i loved that it was a place i could read for free. but the whole coins thing kinda defeats the purpose of that. if it were specifically a donation thing only, i'd be all for it. but i just don't like that now i'm only able to read parts of books without paying. especially because currently, i'm broke as hell. but i'm still optimistic, i do hope they make a couple changes!


@gracce- just looked at it... it seems like a cool idea to me. We shall see


So I was reading your poetry, and I guess I sort of realized how much it means to me. You have a way of making the words say so many of the things I’ve felt, and so many of the things I’ve wondered about, and you put it so simply that it all sort of makes sense. I guess what I’m trying to tell you is thank you... reading your poetry always makes me feel like I’m finding a part of myself that I never knew was there. I know you didn’t write it for me, but sometimes it almost seems as if you did, because when I read it it’s as if I’m finding echoes of myself between the lines or hidden in the words. 
          So thank you. Thanks for sharing your relatable poems, and thanks for putting feelings into words. It means a lot to me, truly. Far more than I can say. 
          I hope you have a wonderful day/ night. <3


@QuillAtDusk i'm absolutely honored!! 


You are so welcome. Your poems honestly have made a difference to me... I don’t always know how to put it into a comment, but just know that whenever I read your work it makes my day so much more beautiful. Sometimes it’s hard to find things to be happy about, but your words always help with that. I can’t say thank you enough. <3


wow. i just- wow. this is one of the sweetest things anyone has ever said to me, and has brought the biggest smile to my face. as a poet, it's beyond what i could begin to hope for- that my words mean something to you. i think all my poems are meant FOR people, so the fact that they're being heard and understood makes me so glad. i don't really know what else to say except thank you. i'm so so so happy that my poems have made an impact in your life 


unpopular opinion: oatmeal raisin cookies are actually pretty bomb. 


@gracce- I don’t really like raisins, but I’ll eat them in a cookie if they’re there lol. Yum! 
            Now I’m hungry...


@QuillAtDusk yes!! i don't know why they get so much hate


I 100% agree. They’re actually so good!