
I know that like no one really reads my books but for those of you who do, I want to deeply apologize for being MIA! I've had SEVERE writer's block for a LONGGGG time now and don't know if I'll be able to complete the books that I've started. I'm not exactly sure if I'll delete them or leave them up, since they probably won't be completed. Or i may start them over completely, and rewrite them better. So I'm apologizing to those of you who were reading my books, but I don't think I'll be able to ever finish them if I do not delete them and start again. I'm not sure, but if you have any ideas for either Nothing She Wants or Searching For Life please DON'T hesitate to inbox me!


@CaptainSarcastic101 how did i not think of that!? Lol thank you!!


@gmclaughlin15 Instead of deleting them, unpublish them so you still have a draft and the previous reads still remain.


          Okay girl where have you been LolXD 
           I am the same in so many ways !!!  For example wattpad is my life like no joke just like reading period is my life
          I love one direction and fall out boy, 5 seconds of summer omg!:) chainsmokers and ed Sheeran.! 
          Also there is a reason why my name on here is HopelessRomantic lol and it's because I am one and I love LOVE anything with romance in it!:) even if it's just a hint of romance I'm okay with that though I like more romance than not.....? Does that make sense? 
          Anyways I have all of the Harry Potter books and movies so I kinda get the addiction. I have all of the hunger games books , but not all of the movies yet :
          By the way would you mind checking out my story who I really am and possibly leave some feedback behind if you feel the need to????? 
          Please and thank you LolXD 
          P.S I also get the whole Don't piss me off deal bc I am the same way
          P.S.S. If you need some good books like recommendation wise I can totally hook you up on some that got me hooked! 


I know that like no one really reads my books but for those of you who do, I want to deeply apologize for being MIA! I've had SEVERE writer's block for a LONGGGG time now and don't know if I'll be able to complete the books that I've started. I'm not exactly sure if I'll delete them or leave them up, since they probably won't be completed. Or i may start them over completely, and rewrite them better. So I'm apologizing to those of you who were reading my books, but I don't think I'll be able to ever finish them if I do not delete them and start again. I'm not sure, but if you have any ideas for either Nothing She Wants or Searching For Life please DON'T hesitate to inbox me!


@CaptainSarcastic101 how did i not think of that!? Lol thank you!!


@gmclaughlin15 Instead of deleting them, unpublish them so you still have a draft and the previous reads still remain.


thanks for adding my book to your reading list shshdhd i'm glad that you like it so much although i'm not sure if it's exactly top-notch


bless thank you so much again that makes me feel so happy


@nsavant ahh you're welcome!! Its one of my absolute favorites!! And its definitely top-notch!


Thanks for the follow, @gmclaughlin15!


@gmclaughlin15 That was no problem! I simply had to, someone who I can relate to like you, I had no choice. ;)


@Secret147Reader No problem! Thanks for following me back!!