
I'm so sorry for the recent inactivity on here! I'm taking care of it all now. I've come and done all the advertising requests! I'm about to start working on the books that need to be reviewed! So anything that's been waiting should be done and completed soon. 


I'm so sorry for the recent inactivity on here! I'm taking care of it all now. I've come and done all the advertising requests! I'm about to start working on the books that need to be reviewed! So anything that's been waiting should be done and completed soon. 


Sorry for being so annoying by commenting on all of your books but I love your account sm !!! <3


@_itsjustaspark_ Oh, it's no problem! Your spam is appreciated♡


Hey everyone! 
          We're currently looking for Maze Runner Fans who want to join this account, so if you're interested check out the chapter in the Update Book!
          - Cora <3


@-unholytragedy   Yay! The form chapter is in the book 'Thomas'. If you fill it out you can join us 
            - Cora ;))


@gladersociety ooh, i'd love to!