
I never wanted help for this but seeing that i dont have as much free time as i used to i'm thinking of of getting some help for the himiko story someone that can help with the creativity and can look back into some chapters to see that everything in the story adds up and *maybe* not too sure help write some stuff for new chapters. I have trouble reading and forget things easily which has made me not enjoy reading as much as i used to which is difficult seeing that i'm a writer- so if you'd like you can message me through here and maybe we can get this story to an end bc i have thought of just cutting it short and ending it but i have so much i wanna write for this story despite the months or even yrs of not updating i still wanna keep everything all in one story so no readers have to go to a different stories just so the storyline adds up. thank you for continuing the story even when i havent updated ;-;' love yall sm your comments always make me get out of my depressive moods since theyre all questionable and funny but also nice and supportive <3


@girls_are_gods i think i could help with rereading but it'll take weeks bc im in the same boat w you but who cares im gonna try!! (watch me eat this whole fanfic)


@girls_are_gods in my opinion keep on making new and new chapters there is always room for more stuff not read all yet but plz you have a fan here love this story and don't want it to end I don't mind helping with ideas anything tbh love this so much ❤


I never wanted help for this but seeing that i dont have as much free time as i used to i'm thinking of of getting some help for the himiko story someone that can help with the creativity and can look back into some chapters to see that everything in the story adds up and *maybe* not too sure help write some stuff for new chapters. I have trouble reading and forget things easily which has made me not enjoy reading as much as i used to which is difficult seeing that i'm a writer- so if you'd like you can message me through here and maybe we can get this story to an end bc i have thought of just cutting it short and ending it but i have so much i wanna write for this story despite the months or even yrs of not updating i still wanna keep everything all in one story so no readers have to go to a different stories just so the storyline adds up. thank you for continuing the story even when i havent updated ;-;' love yall sm your comments always make me get out of my depressive moods since theyre all questionable and funny but also nice and supportive <3


@girls_are_gods i think i could help with rereading but it'll take weeks bc im in the same boat w you but who cares im gonna try!! (watch me eat this whole fanfic)


@girls_are_gods in my opinion keep on making new and new chapters there is always room for more stuff not read all yet but plz you have a fan here love this story and don't want it to end I don't mind helping with ideas anything tbh love this so much ❤




Ok at least you're here now! Issok take your time! We're always waiting<3


@ImATohFan ...a month late but i am writing dw ;-;' i just forgot some details having trouble-


gonna complain bc I got nothing better to do <3 i hate not being able to be creative as easily anymore and now I have 3 story I wanna write a film series I need record, write, and edit but can't then a damn website to fix and its just sm like omfgggg I need to get a boost of energy and I hate I always get them at random times but the one time I need it I CANT LIKE WTF- ugh I can't even enjoy doing things even when I really want to ;-;' don't even get me started with personal things too cuz omfg maybe those things are what blocks my creativity rn now that I think of it-


@girls_are_gods vroom vrooom vroooom vroooooooom


I hate the long process of writing why cant i just write the cool fun parts and y’all figure out the rest <\3


@girls_are_gods it's fine tho writers need time to think


this message may be offensive
...lemme explain myself once again ;-;' 1. I work 2. My gf had came into town and i spent my time with her 3. I dont have a laptop anymore- im saving up for one but it'll take a while with my pay at work- 4. Some shit happened and ive been trying to cope but dw everything is good im fine :3 ill try writing on my phone but with my attention problem itll be a little harder but i will try writing tonight love yall <3


@girls_are_gods Don't worry, take your time. As the one, who is waiting for Half-Life 3. Waiting for new chapters from you is nothing, so don't worry about it. Take your time, enjoy your life, and be healthy.