
Yoooo I'm trash, but I just updated Bad Blood, so go take a look! Sorry for the absence XD


@I_Of_The_Storm Hi!!!! No worries, it's not weird at all darling!! My favorites by them from their older albums are Sigh No More, Lovers' Eyes and currently  from the new album I have Broad-Shouldered Beast on repeat :)))) I love them all soooo much though! Also (shameless plugging time!) If you liked Bad Blood, I also have a super long fic called This Empty Northern Hemisphere (which is more Winnie and Ted based if you're into that) You should check it out, I'd really appreciate it! Thanks sweetie!!! <3


Hi i an new on here and i wanted to say that i have made a chapter to a new book i am making "Listen" i hope you get a chance to read and please give me feedback on it so i could make my new chapters better. thnx and you fan-fics are awsome :3