
// cb or u smell 


/  everyone smells, it's just whether or not it's BAD


/ thought about some good ghost interaction so here uwu 
          The news had shaken Christine to her core. Hearing of the day that the princess, /Anika/, had been killed in a carriage accident. A humble woman who had come seen her and become someone she considered a friend despite their status differences was now gone. So when she saw her in the reflection of the mirror, not the fist ghosts face she’d seen in it, she quickly turned around shocked to face the Princess once more. “How- how are you here? I heard what happened-“ she was at a complete loss of words. 


            "I don't mean to frighten… I know this is unusual, but I am alone. I don't.." Anika stopped to hesitate. She was.. /dead/. That made her a ghost. zperhaps she could be thankful Christine could /see/ her, for a while she doubted that too. "I woke up in the opera house, in the seat where I watched the show. I tried to leave, but a force stopped me. I can't explain it.. I'm sorry to burden you with this, Christine."


She was frightened but more than anything confused. How was she here, and what did she mean by she has nowhere else to go? Her hands came to her skirt, grabbing at it and wringing it in her hands almost anxiously. “What do you mean you have nowhere else to go? Anika. . . How- why are you here?” She asked, wanting to get answers to her confusion. 


@seraphicsings // AAAA TY <33
            Anika barely remembered what happened that night. Her memories were fragmented, but she could piece together those shards to work out what happened. It was a tragedy, and now she was trapped. For some reason, she could not leave the walls of the opera house. She didn't know what else to do, where else to go, but when she noticed Christine passing through, she had to follow her. "I didn't mean to startle you, Christine. My apologies… but I don't have anywhere else to go,” She said solemnly, folding her hands in front of her. "I was afraid that would be the case."


'' i do wonder , why are you here . . and i am not ? '' being brought back to the land of the living wasn't doing much good for emma . her entire right half of her body was demolished , deformed and filled with deep , open wounds that went till her very bone. back in the days  , when she looked into the mirror she considered herself beautiful. but now, she barely could. she was a monster ; an abomination among the living . so she covered herself up completely; from head to toe in black like a dead woman walking. 
          the woman she saw in front of her was the same ; a dead woman walking. with the exception she was beautiful. emma could tell a difference between the living and the dead. this person wasn't alive anymore , and neither did she sound like a native. '' you poor thing .''


@dancingdeformities // no YOURS >>
            Anika's gaze followed that of the other woman, blue eyes glazed over with sadness. This place had been strange, a wonderful escape from the palace walls she had grown up in. It was a place far away from home… and she was forced to make it her home. Her soul was indeed stuck, she had tried to escape these walls countless times in hundreds of years. It was not possible. 
            "I do not know where else I could go… there /is/ nowhere else for me to go," Anika said solemnly. In earlier years she would try to hide her sorrow, but now it was draining. This was someone who could understand her pain… though not as much if she was able to roam elsewhere in the world. Anika was confined to the walls of Palais Garnier. "I don't think there is a place in our souls for peace. Tell me… what is your name? I should have asked sooner."


@ghostedcrown   // stop pls. i am trying. your writing is immaculate 
            " you . you shouldn't be here , " behind the veil she wore , her expression crumbled completely. she did , in fact recognize her .  she heard tales of her death , a year before she passed herself . she was kind and unlike any woman she had seen . she didn't belong in that era , ruled by men who seemed to have the power over everything . " your soul is stuck to this very place , dear . me ; on the other hand , is very much alive . i can't seem to be at peace . " 
            a deep sigh , filled with longing left her mouth as she scanned the place through the dark fabric that covered her entire face. the stage , she had belonged there like many others that roamed palais garnier . but all of that was in the past now. it was a distant memory of her former self . . which she couldn't help but miss . 


@dancingdeformities // your writing >>>>
            It wasn't often that Anika encountered anyone. She could not, considering she was a ghost. She watched people come and go every day, something she could never do. It had been that way for hundreds of years, she could never rest. The last thing she remembered was her carriage toppling over and a sharp pain in her body. All she had to indicate her cause of death was a scar that stretched across her abdomen and a dent in the back of her skull. Those were hidden by her neat, pinned hair and extravagant light blue dress. The same one she wore on that night.
            "I'm afraid that I'm not quite sure what you mean by that, miss," Anika said, hands folded in front of her. She looked the other woman up and down, a frown appearing on her lips. She recognised the woman, but she could not place exactly where. It was a woman from her time, though, that was certain. "It seems we have both endured the pain that comes with living past your life."






            / NAH YOU .. ACCEPT 


// screaming and crying and throwing up 


            //… I’m afraid it might be too late 


/ your ideas are just amazing like how?? How do you come up with this stuff?? I love it so much


            // yes of course heh <3 


/ I love it so much!! I also love the idea that it’s not just Erik haunting the opera house!! And now we’re obligated to have Christine and Anika as friends. 


            // pls this one came to me so randomly but tysm !! <3 