
Chapter 18 or Metamorphosis is now out and live, please enjoy


@gh0stlycryptic I'm still at 13 since June xD i've been saving but YEEE good to know you're alive :D


The next chapter to Metamorphosis should be up soon, if not tonight! I know I haven't been updating a lot. My job has been taking it out of me, but I wanted to let you all know that I am nearly done!
          It's a full spicy chapter, btw. So get ready!


Metamorphosis is close to being updated and Bloody Fervor is even closer. As in BF will probably be updated before I go to sleep tonight (4am lmao)


@ConradOrbino  thank you. I have been swamped since I got a new job. I feel like I have been living there instead of at my own home 
            I haven't wrote anything in a bit, but I do plan on getting back into the swing of things at some point. I have been itching to write again.
            Thank you again!  All love is appreciated 


@gh0stlycryptic Just recently found Metamorphosis. Loving it already so far, I'll patiently wait for updates :D


Chapter 6 of Bloody Fervor is nearly done. Also I stated a Oneshots book about Solas from Dragon Age Inquisition, so I might post on that sometimes.
          Eventually I will write a full Solavellan storyz but for now I wanna practice with Oneshots, cause I don't feel qualified to write dragon age yet 
          Anyway, next chapter for Bloody Fervor should be out soon. 


Chap5 of Bloody Fervor is nearly done, however, something kind of shitty happened yesterday so now I am dealing with that and I am super depressed, so you guys will have to wait for it either tonight or tomorrow. I will explain more when I post the chapter. I'm sorry about hyping chap 5 up so much :c