
i also plan to release a new fanfic real soon. if you like the xmen series then keep your eyes peeled!


"starlight" is officially under major construction. it's been a while but after finally coming back to this story ive realized that i can write this story much better now. not much about "starlight" will change other than the writing of course. i hope ya'll will stick around to see rhea's story progress!


my harry potter story "titan" will now be under construction as I'd like to change the direction the story is taking. I believe that my portrayal of some of the characters doesn't match their true personalities. (Hermione and Ron especially) I apologize to my readers for disturbing their reading experience and hope you can be patient with me as I undergo this process.


just posted my first poetry book "The Scars She Bears" 
          i decided to make it about my sister and her life as a whole. there will be another book dedicated to my other sister as well. But enjoy this one for now. more updates soon!(stay safe out there and wash your hands)