
Hey y’all. I know I kinda flopped on my previous update but I’m hoping to actually start utilizing that schedule. I’m starting school in 2 days so I should hopefully be writing more and having more to post :] thanks for reading what I’ve put so far 


Hey y’all. I know I kinda flopped on my previous update but I’m hoping to actually start utilizing that schedule. I’m starting school in 2 days so I should hopefully be writing more and having more to post :] thanks for reading what I’ve put so far 


Yo! I have returned from my dads! I’m planning to start posting at least 1-2 entries on the aegis files a week so for anyone who actually reads them, I hope you enjoy! Not much else to say but thank you to those who have supported the series. :)


The posting schedule change will take effect starting next week


Yo! So I know I haven’t been writing for that long and I know my posting status is kinda random but bear with me on that. A simple announcement: starting June 13th, I will be unable to write or post. I will likely be back around a month and a half from then but I’m going to my dads where I will not have access to my phone or home computer which is what I use to write my stories. 


So…I haven’t written really anything on this app. I have an idea though. Starting in a few days, I will be posting an original story that I’ve been working on for a little while called The Aegis Files. It’s more like a diary than a book but I hope you guys enjoy reading it! :)