
Does anyone have any requests for my imagines book? 


Thinking of posting all my imagines into one multifandom book, because the amount of books I’ve got is annoying me, plus I have loads of full stories planned, so want to keep my account organised, so it’s easier to find stories. 


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So I have a fuck ton of book plans and I'm debating whether or not to publish them into a book so that I can never lose the plans.  All I ask is that if you decide to write something using the plans i post, please give credit.  :)
          Some are original work plans,  some are fanfic plans.


So I was hoping to update some of my books soon, and have a new original story up but my laptop decided to die and won't turn on so I have lost all of my plans and  chapter drafts. I'm hoping to be able to re-plan everything when I get a free minute.