
          	Holy wow! Life has been crazy these last few months. Coronavirus, college, moving. It's been stressful to say the least.  
          	I finally GRADUATED!!! I've got a Master's Degree. Biggest accomplishment of my life! 
          	With that being said, I'm finally going to get back into the writing thing. It's been a long time coming and I know that I want to do it. I've missed it, honestly. Sometimes life has other plans for a while and you just have to roll with it. 
          	I hope you are all staying safe and I hope to see you in the near future with a new (old) story.


          Holy wow! Life has been crazy these last few months. Coronavirus, college, moving. It's been stressful to say the least.  
          I finally GRADUATED!!! I've got a Master's Degree. Biggest accomplishment of my life! 
          With that being said, I'm finally going to get back into the writing thing. It's been a long time coming and I know that I want to do it. I've missed it, honestly. Sometimes life has other plans for a while and you just have to roll with it. 
          I hope you are all staying safe and I hope to see you in the near future with a new (old) story.


I know I have been MIA for a while. I keep saying I'm going to write, but when do I have time when I've got so much going on?? I recently started my LAST class of my MASTER'S PROGRAM!!! What even?? I'm student teaching for the next three months and my life is very consumed by wanting to succeed and focusing on this last step of this crazy journey I never thought I'd be on. 
          I'm also getting settled in a new state. The move from Colorado to Texas went well, but it is still such a huge adjustment and it has been crazy. 
          With all that being said though, I do still have so many ideas in my head for stories and I want to continue to write and when the time is right I will post a story. 
          Thank you all for being patient, and I hope that you all have had a Happy New Year!!


I'm definitely still planning on writing and posting a story soon! My life has been so super busy and it's only going to get crazier. I am moving from Colorado to Texas THIS WEEK! I can't even believe it but change is good and new adventures are fun. With that being said, I'll have some free time (hopefully) over the next few weeks. After the holidays I start my student teaching and I know that will be busy and crazy but I am so so sooo excited for all of these new changes and things that I have coming up in my life! I have been working on a story though and I hope that I don't disappoint when it comes time to post it!


Well, it has been a minute since I've been here. I very much want to continue writing and I've been brainstorming ideas and I think I'm going to take the opportunity to begin writing again!! Life has calmed down drastically for me. Well....sort of, but I do have so much more free time right now to write and put myself into a story. I'm so excited and I hope to come up with some great ideas and start posting within the next couple of weeks!


@Stylinonem104 Thanks!!! My life has been crazy and busy and different to say the least. I have desperately wanted to write for a while. It's good to be back.


@fearless_1D Welcome Back Old Buddy!!!! Can’t wait to see what you come up with ♥♥♥♥♥


I used to be so active on here. What the hell happened....?
          Oh, I know. I started grad school. I write for a blog. And I work at an elementary school. 
          But I do very much want to start writing again. I just need to push myself to do it. 
          For anyone who is still around, I hope you are all doing well!!


Wattpad people that are still around,
          I have been gone far too long, and I have been wanting to come back and do some writing, but I don't know how to even start or pick up where I left off. Are people still reading 1D fanfics? Is that even a thing anymore? I don't know. I'll try, maybe, and see how it goes. 
          I hope all of you are doing well! 


Hi friends. 
          It's been months and months since I've updated and I know that. My life has been crazy and I am about to make it 100 times more crazy because I've decided to take a big step towards a career I actually want and I'll be starting Grad school..tomorrow! I'm still going to try to update Fearless at some point but we'll see how school goes first. Thanks for your patience. I appreciate it so much!


I realize that I haven't come on in a while, three months now almost. Yikes! I apologize for that! I have been so busy. I moved to a new house, so that's the main reason why I've been gone for so long. I have every intention to update soon, but who knows when that will be since I'm doing other things. I'll try though! Thanks for putting up with my absence. 


Hey Wattpad peeps! 
          I just updated Fearless which I haven't updated in so long! My life has been crazy busy and I simply don't have as much time to be on here frequently. I hope those of you who were reading the story will give it another chance. I never intended to wait so long to upload, but working all of the time tends to be the priority in my life. I'll try to post and write when I can. 
          Here's the link for Fearless. Chapter 18 is the new chapter but I'm posting from the beginning in case you need a bit of a refresher! 


Holy crap people of Wattpad! It has been two months since I've been on and over four months since I've updated!! I'm so sorry and I feel so bad about that! Between having a job and writing for a blog and needing time to relax in between my life has been crazy! I will update Fearless tonight ((??)) IF i remember. I'm in the middle of doing some stuff right now, but I'll write a reminder! Again, so so soooo sorry for my absence and I"ll try to be better about writing and being on here more frequently! 