
im so sorry about not updating! 
          	this is exam month, i’ve just left school forever and i’m out more often than not.
          	as the summer holiday rolls around, i’ll definitely be updating a lot more!


this message may be offensive
listen up BITCHE$$$
          i am all for helpful criticism!! tell me how to improve this sentence, give me a better word for this or that! tell me about an idea you have that might work better PLEASE, i LOVE it!!!
          but always be polite about it!! because what i don’t appreciate is people commenting things throughout my story with things such as:
          “that made no fucking sense”
          “this is so fucking stupid”
          “that wording is so shit lmao”
          “this is a fucking drag”
          “maybe u should rewrite? idk”
          i’ve had to delete those exact comments and more just there from somebody who thinks their some mad posh cunt with an English degree woah 
          again, if you want to say something, be polite about it and i’ll listen!! there is never any reason to be a complete asshole for nothing :^) 


i’m literally?? so happy! that poser is still getting so much love even though its nearly been a YEAR since i updated until two days ago. madness. 
          i really appreciate it and i WILL have poser completed, i promise <3 
          i’m also winging along a new story called “i’ll change, i promise” which is a story that’s very personal and close to my heart and i’d really appreciate if you gave a little read as i write :) thank you all so much for being so patient, i’m so sorry again x