
this message may be offensive
holy fuck i’m freaking out i literally write so many frecking SINFUL THINGS on my laptop and i’m at work and my mom just asked if she can borrow my laptop and i can’t really say no because that’s suspicious and I DONT REMEMBER IF I CLOSED THE FREAKING CONSENT NON CONSENT FREAKING WORD DOC AND IM PANICKING SO HARD WHAT DO I FO


she never said anything so i’m not actually sure. 
          	  she either saw it and is choosing to not say anything or she didn’t see it. but i’m not sure


late but did she see it ?


this message may be offensive
holy fuck i’m freaking out i literally write so many frecking SINFUL THINGS on my laptop and i’m at work and my mom just asked if she can borrow my laptop and i can’t really say no because that’s suspicious and I DONT REMEMBER IF I CLOSED THE FREAKING CONSENT NON CONSENT FREAKING WORD DOC AND IM PANICKING SO HARD WHAT DO I FO


she never said anything so i’m not actually sure. 
            she either saw it and is choosing to not say anything or she didn’t see it. but i’m not sure


late but did she see it ?


holy moly i haven’t been here in a while but i have to say this because i can’t say it anywhere else..i was just writing a fic with the most filthy smut when i was supposed to be working on group work and my group work partner leaned over to ask about a source. i kid you not i nearly threw my laptop off the table. i’ve never been so scared in my life.