So I'm a very interesting well rounded person but I'll try to explain myself as shortly as possible. I love dance and music and I am a complete geek over anything Korean. I love kpop and the people on kpop. As of now my bias is V from BTS. Dance and color guard are my life. I am a sophomore in high school that has no idea what she wants to be in the future. I am very bad at making decisions. My entire life I have wanted blonde ringlets but my hair is boring light brown and straight. I would give anything to see Seoul because its really pretty. I love bows and everything associated with being a girl. I am a girly-girl and I am proud of it. Kpop has helped me a lot throughout freshman year and I am very glad that my bestest friends introduced me to it and it has now consumed my life. But at the beginning of this summer my best friend moved away and left me to fend for myself with all the kpop haters in my school. I tend to go off on tangents about myself so I apologize for the length of this. Thanks for reading this if you did.
  • JoinedJune 29, 2014
