
— mobius and loki endgame when… WHEN DO WE WIN??????


— i’ve really been in such a regulus black mood lately that i’ve been piling up fics in my library the past few weeks. BUT i’ve just read my two new all time favourites, ‘from eden’ by @AideINFP and ‘the salt and the sea’ by @mannakell ! truly amazing stories with perfect balances of everything a story should have. i don’t know how to move on from these books. my free time off of work has been well spent drawing in these stories. please go read them if you already haven’t! 


@faerics Hey, thanks for reading and I'm glad you enjoyed yourself reading From Eden! And, I absolutely agree, I love 'the salt and the sea' as well, wonderful writer and characters!


god forbid i don’t spell check for once… drowning* in these stories


— i am so excited bc autumn means new beginnings. and with that, i am very happy to announce that i am getting back into writing! i’ve missed it so much and recently i rewatched harry potter and came up with a fun idea that i think i could go through with. it’s going to be a fred weasley fic taking place in deathly hallows. on the darker side. sirius is alive still (for reasons)… FOR NOW. chapter one is already in the works. so happy and ecstatic to continue it! 


— me vs being emotionally attached to side group characters bc of all the fanfiction i read. great examples include the marauders, of course, and the uley pack from twilight. LIKE PLEASE. did i really enjoy this characters before reading fics? yes. do fics give me the full picture of these characters? YEAH. my brain would
          not be fed without fanfiction bc these characters mean everything to me. anyways, stan the marauders and the uley pack. thank you and goodnight. 


like who loves paul lahote more than i do? nobody. bc i don’t see y’all staying up all night reading paul fics until your eyes ache. 


— forgot to update but obx s3 came out last week!!! i was just so excited for it as i’ve been watching since the first season came out and enjoyed majority of this season but i was also so annoyed by big john scenes overtaking the pogues screen time. as always, rafe and jj are my favourites. like i know rafe is evil but… drew starkey. PLEASE GIVE ME A CHANCE. 
          considering bringing back my obx fic i wrote in 2020 or if i should start a new one… i think i should! 


i haven’t read on here in like 3 months until i started watching all of us are dead last week and now i am so obsessed. i’m rlly late to the hype but it’s soooooo good. i can’t stop reading fics again. :,)