name: a word

age: a number

gender: human

don't always rely on their smile.

~the eyes, dont tell lies~

I like a lot of things, but one thing I don't like, is people who use others for their own benefits and/or beliefs.

I've never hated anything, I dislike, but don't hate.

the quote I always follow: "Don't judge a book by its cover."
∆the cover may be pretty, but that doesn't mean it'll follow the looks. Just because they look bad, doesn't mean they are.

They look small and innocent? Did you know they went to Juvie for attempted murder?

They have many tattoos and scars? the scars are from many years of abuse and self harm. the tattoos are there to hide them all.

∆from heaven to earth, from earth to hell∆

Don't judge me, and I won't judge you.

I'll do that when hell freezes over, but to me, it all ready has.

America? Land of the free? then why are our jails over filled? most are in jail for no reason.

My lovely followers: y'all are my little bombs . You make me explode with happiness ;)

I'm a huge LGBTQ+ supporter, if you don't like it then sorry that's not my problem, it's your's for being ignorant. It's 2016 now, you got to learn to grow up and accept it. They aren't affecting how you yourself live, and they can't turn you gay either. They were born that way, they didn't choose it. Just like you didn't choose to have a pēnis or a vaginā, you, just like them, were created that way. So don't be giving them a hard time over their way of living or whom ever they choose to marry, all that matters is that they love each other. That's that.
  • JoinedJune 1, 2015

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