
Hey hey hey fam!! guess who got bored/inspired— me! If you have a moment, check this out!


Remember early high school, when I poured my soul into this app?? So many memories... I miss it! 
          Life update time: I’ve gotten about 10 hours of sleep every night since quarantine started and I still wake up tired. 
          How are all my friends doing? Talk to me! I miss you! :)


I’m doing alright! It’s strange being home for so long, but I love my family (and like them most the time) being with them is a plus! Also I can’t decide if I like online college or not :) 
            How are you??


Ah... those were the days. Miss them so so much. Crazy how much I feel MORE tired after MORE sleep! But otherwise, doing well, enjoying being able to write the tiniest bit. How are you??


HEY!!! Just a heads up, I’m taking a semi-hiatus throughout the month of July, so I won’t be active. BUT DON’T WORRY!!!!!! I’ll be back in August to see what magical things y’all have been working on. Love, Spirit