
@Damonfan101 ur welcome and i love your story~!


@eklmns Aloha from the Big Apple! Hehe... ahh I wish I lived there. But thankfully, (bet your jealous, suckerrrrr) I live in Camp Half-Blood with all my fellow half-bloods! What! What! WHAT! Da-dum. Yep, that's me. Sooooo, hello there. My name's Hayley, though call me what you want. I prefer:
          a) 'NinjaChild',
          b) 'SheSoSmart', 
          c) 'NerdGotSpunk', 
          d) 'HaylsTheAwesomeness-ess-ess-ess',
          e) All of the above.
          Sooooo, what did you pick?
          Choice 'E' was the right answer! Ding-Ding-Ding! We have a freakin' amazing winner standing right behind THIS screem of her lap-top! Yup, Hayls located right over here!
          Hehe... sorry, I guess I kinda got a bit carried away? Oops... my bad. What can I say? That's kinda how I'm programmed, though don't worry, I'm not a robot...maybe...
          Why was I here again? Uh... hmm... wait, for a moment, I need to look back at my me--- Oh! O-Oh yeah... Guess what? I just remembered why I'm on your profile! Hehe... Ahh... Anywhos, thanks fo fanning, it meant a lot... seriously, no joke. I fanned 'ya back! Hope you like me! You know, as a F-R-I-E-N-D, not like, you know THAT way...? Chat with me sometimes, but try not to daily because I'm not here daily firstly, and secondly, I might not respond quickly enough making you think I am ignoring you, which I will certainly try not to do. Unless, of course, you disturb me and my shallow ego, ovbiously. Hmph. ^_^ *Sighs* Sooooo... hello, hi, bye-bye! Ohh, I think I made a little rhyme up! Hello, hi, bye-bye! Hello, hi, bye-bye! *Starts ti sing little tune while dancing* Don't mind me, nothing to see here folks! Good day mate! *English accent inserted*
          ~Hayls :P