
Jie jie how are you?


@einfach_Eileen ohh it's sad news. Please take care her and yourself jie jie and your family. I'm very long time your fan and some time ago I'm return new I'd and I can't found your some books.... But I'm thankful you jie jie because you are very great writer  very beautiful novelists. I hope I, we want new adventurers book's in future .
            Well I'm praying for your friend jie jie. God bless you jie ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


@LiXiXian9 Hi, don't worry. I'm fine so far. On Friday evening when I was out with my best friend, she fell and broke her right wrist. I accompanied her to the emergency room and am helping her for a few days until she's more comfortable with her wrist cast.