

A star has five ends, a square has four ends, a triangle has three ends, a line has two ends but the circle of our friendship has no end. Send this to your friends (including me if I'm one) and if you get five back, you're a good friend.



Good morning, noon, afternoon, evening, night, dusk, dawn, or just good day to everyone, wherever you people are!
          Good news is that Pretentious World qualified for round two in the ONC 2021.
          More news is that also some of you people here qualified, so CONGRATULATIONS!
          I was actually hella unmotivated to go on, but if this changes things and well, never give up, right? It's only a novella and you only just realized that your main plot doesn't make sense. No biggie.
          Anyhow, I hope y'all are doing good and go grab the sticker everyone who participated.


@ WonderfulMiracles  You too! 