
can wattpad plz stop changing the layout LMAOOO its literally different every time i open the app :[


Just a tip, I find I like to write the entire story first, then slowly publish chapters one by one. Btw, have you listened to NF before? It’s really helped me.


hi! thank u for the tip it really wouldve helped when i first started writing abnormal :( i would do that now but ive made my readers wait long enough haha!! also yes i know of nf!!! not really my style but i had a friend who adored nf :)) 


hi?? I logged out of this account for a couple months and I was just wondering if anyone wants me to republish ‘abnormal’?? I kinda miss writing it lol but my friends almost found this acc and I got scared lmao... anyway. lmk!


hi I really liked abnormal :)