
hi everyone... 
          	you probably don’t remember me bc i haven’t posted in forever. 
          	reason being, i was unmotivated. 
          	i had the entire outline for salvatoré finished.
          	but when i posted, i felt like no one cared about the story anymore (i received less comments and less votes) i felt embarrassed, really. and that was that. I stopped posting. 
          	so i just wanted to thank everyone who have left wonderful and kind comments requesting for more...
          	and I’m sorry i let you nico and alessia fans down 
          	maybe i’ll reevaluate myself and push to get the story done 
          	just know i love them so much and have never forgotten about them




@dollarcents it's fine but please update Valentino when you can, I loved the dynamic between Vince and Sasha 


@dollarcents I just finished all 7 chs of Valentino like 20 seconds ago and then came to you page cause i saw it hasn't been update since 2017! Are you going to update Valentino! I love that story! Her and Vince are hilarious and steamy together! 


Hey, Cleo. I don usually comment on people's profiles like this because English isn't my first language and I get a little afraid of making some grammar mistake but that doesn't matter rn.
          I decided to write to you because I saw that you are unmotivated to keep posting your stories here. I kinda needed to tell you to start writing again, your stories are amazing and I don't understand why people don't give you the proper recognition. 
          So here am I, as a fan, saying that I'll keep waiting your updates (even if they take years)
          Also, I'm sorry for any grammar errors. Hope you're okay. Sending love from Brazil! 


I just started reading salvadore and is at near end… I’m disappointed to see that there isn’t more to the story I really love it and I’m sad that there isn’t anymore chapters!! Can you please start updating again??! Us nico fans want to keep reading!!!!!!


Hey! What's up? I really like Salvadoré as a story even though i've just started it! I hope you don't get me wrong but I noticed that the sentences that you choose to write in italian are incorrect. I really enjoy when authors play with different languages and i would love to help you to correct them. (I'm italian, that's why I'm saying that) 


hi everyone... 
          you probably don’t remember me bc i haven’t posted in forever. 
          reason being, i was unmotivated. 
          i had the entire outline for salvatoré finished.
          but when i posted, i felt like no one cared about the story anymore (i received less comments and less votes) i felt embarrassed, really. and that was that. I stopped posting. 
          so i just wanted to thank everyone who have left wonderful and kind comments requesting for more...
          and I’m sorry i let you nico and alessia fans down 
          maybe i’ll reevaluate myself and push to get the story done 
          just know i love them so much and have never forgotten about them




@dollarcents it's fine but please update Valentino when you can, I loved the dynamic between Vince and Sasha 


@dollarcents I just finished all 7 chs of Valentino like 20 seconds ago and then came to you page cause i saw it hasn't been update since 2017! Are you going to update Valentino! I love that story! Her and Vince are hilarious and steamy together! 