
Hello, it has been brought to my notice that my work, My Bully has been copied and passed on as the plagiariser's work in Mangatoon. I have already written to manga toon admin reporting the same. Please help me get justice.
          	the plagiarized work, http://h5.mangatoon.mobi/contents/detail?id=692819&_language=en&_app_id=1
          	please help me report it.


Here's a marvellous Novel for you, 《His Bully》, Check it out now: http://h5.mangatoon.mobi/contents/detail?id=692819&_language=en&_app_id=1
          @dllwary please be aware that someone plagiarized your story and put it in MANGATOON. THAT'S THE LINK. PLEASE MASS REPORT THAT ACCOUNT. HE ALSO PLAGIARIZED THE STORY of @truebloodedwaanjai
          Sorry for posting it here but I am just concerned on your well being.


@Waanjai_Erottika thank u for the concern