DC Alden is a London-based thriller writer and filmmaker. He is a former British army soldier, police officer and movie extra, and has incorporated much of his real-world knowledge and experience into his face-paced thrillers. DC loves to write about a wide variety of themes and subjects, including global war, terrorism, political conspiracies, black-ops, shadow governments, the military-industrial complex, the UFO phenomenon and much more. His writing style, pace and descriptive talents have been likened to writers such as Tom Clancy, Frederick Forsyth and Lee Child, and a very famous person once told him 'you're the best writer I've never heard of.'

If you like your thrillers fast-paced, your worlds dark and dangerous, and the characters who dwell in them engaging, heroic, deadly and downright diabolical, then DC Alden is a writer you should definitely check out.

His works include:

THE DEEP STATE SERIES: A global conspiracy trilogy to rule them all. Enter the Angola virus, a lethal pathogen born not in the squalor of an African prison but secretly manufactured by a ruthless cabal of global elites determined to seize ultimate power...

And so The Deep State Trilogy begins, taking the reader on an epic, adrenaline-fuelled journey across an unsuspecting world standing at the edge of the abyss.

THE ANGOLA DECEPTION (The Deep State Series Book One)
FORTRESS (The Deep State Series Book Two)
END ZONE (The Deep State Series Book Three)

THE DEEP STATE TRILOGY BOX SET (Deep State Series Books 1, 2 & 3)


INVASION (Invasion Series Book One)
INVASION: THE LOST CHAPTERS (Invasion Series Book Two)
INVASION: UPRISING (Invasion Series Book Three)


UFO DOWN (A first contact/crash retrieval thriller)

THE HORSE AT THE GATES (A Revolutionary British Political Thriller)
  • London, United Kingdom
  • JoinedSeptember 13, 2012