
It's Friday, and that means chapter day, but this one is special because this is it! The end! The very last chapter and a short postscript and that's where Teddy and Darwin's story ends. Anyone who reads to the very end can consider me a friend and I am forever humbly in your debt for giving me and my story your precious time. I truly hope it was worth it!
          	❤️ D.B.


It's Friday, and that means chapter day, but this one is special because this is it! The end! The very last chapter and a short postscript and that's where Teddy and Darwin's story ends. Anyone who reads to the very end can consider me a friend and I am forever humbly in your debt for giving me and my story your precious time. I truly hope it was worth it!
          ❤️ D.B.


It's Friday and chapter 30 is up now. Things are definitely getting tense! Teddy and his friends have been up all night searching desperately for Darwin, but they don't have much to go on. Will they find her in time? Read and find out...


@cassandrejanvier I know you're busy! I have a lot of catching up to do on Better Sky too. Really miss those characters! ❤️


@dbwainfleet omg I am soooo behind! Things have been crazy for me lately but I will catch up soon!


A day late, but here's chapter 29.
          "My eyes are wet with tears from anger and frustration, and I want to scream, but now I hear that metal gate again and then footsteps on the dock. Just one person this time. They pass right by the boat. A security guard making the rounds? Or maybe a cop looking for me? Now I do scream, or at least try. I scream as loud as I possibly can, but with the tape over my mouth I know I'm hardly making any noise at all. The footsteps pass by..."


Happy Friday, dear readers! Chapter 26 is out today.
          "Maybe I’m colossally stupid, but as I finish my coffee I’ve pretty much decided that I need to talk to Kodi before I head out of town. I can catch a later bus. If I know what he’s so mad about maybe I can fix it. At the very least, with me gone, he won't have a reason to bother Neea and Teddy anymore..."


"Then another sound, this time a slight scraping against the glass of one of the two small windows high up on the wall. With the bedside light on, Teddy and Darwin couldn't see anything at all through the dark windows.
          A third sound. This time definitely a voice."
          Chapter 25 and someone is outside, looking at them through the window...