From a very young age, I developed a love affair with the written word. I LOVE a good story, ESPECIALLY if it's well written and makes the reader think. As a reader, my favorite genre is reflected by my mood. If I'm feeling down, I prefer something upbeat, and a passionate love story always sucks me in. When I'm feeling particularly upbeat, I tackle heavier subject matter. To make it plain, I simply ADORE reading, It has always been an escape as well as a stress reliever for me.

I guess that love of the written word and reading fueled my own desire to write. I've always had various stories and plot lines running through my mental space at any given time. I was never truly convinced I could actually be a writer until I started sharing my work with others and realized they enjoyed it. Thus, the writer known as Dana Masting was born. I hope you appreciate my efforts as well!
  • Sunny Southeast
  • JoinedFebruary 6, 2014