
As I mentioned in my last broadcast, I am back. Just super busy being essential right now. That said, I just spent a few hours to get another chapter out to y'all!
          	Chapter 12 of Trinity is now out:


Hey guys I'm baaaccckkk.... Or so I'd like to say. Honestly, I don't know how many of you even follow me anymore. But to those that do, I thank you all. 
          Anyway, onto why this announcement exists. I just updated Trinity again. The chapter is called "【❶❶ ∥】". Check it out here:
          I will continue updating this, but currently the last two chapters have been published a year apart from each other (yikes)!


@Lightseed It’s good to be heard! 


@cyborgladiator Hey! Good to hear from you again! : )


Hey guys I just updated Calling All Christians again. The chapter is called "The Olive Tree". This time it's by @Jesusfreak202. Check it out here:
          Also, there will be another chapter posted on Friday. It's title is, Wise Words. It's also by @Jesusfreak202. 
          In other news, Trinity will hopefully have another chapter soon. Keyword: Hopefully. Since school, work, and life demands so much attention lately it's been hard to write like I want to. Pretty sure my editor is going to have fits when she sees this chapter… Even with the corrections I've made. 


Well, it's day 1/365 of 2017. 
          Reflecting back on 2016 there's a lot I could discuss. Many things happened – and many more that didn't. Yet when all is said and done the positive outweighed the negative.
          2016 was a busy year for me. Went to Ohio, and visited family there. I traveled to another country, then a week later stubbornly drove across the country with my sister to see a northern friend (both highlights of the year; the latter more memorable). Had grandparents visit. Went to a monastery and had a 40' bonfire. Then went to winter camp and bravely fought on the front lines broom-ball.
          It was also sorrowful year. Lost two great-grandparents. Then don't even get me started on elections a the left's safety-pin crap. Nor did I have the opportunity to begin building my tiny-house. 
          Then there's the anime. Several series took me by surprise this year. One of which stole my heart (ReZero). 
          Can't forget my friend @Sarsar14's book The Son's Surrender. 
          All in all, it was a good year. I'm thankful for those who were a part of this phase. I hope they continue to be in, and to keep growing alongside each other. I pray that 2017 will build upon last year and be even better. 
          Happy New Years everyone,