
All stories have been unpublished. This is the last time I will be on this account.
          	was @Cuteunicornqueen.
          	is @DenealJohnson


*awkward cough* Wait , when are my coughs not awkward ?? 
          Anyywaayyy ... Uhm ... *serious face* 
          *bursts out laughing* Lol , I can't work a serious face ! *slaps knee* 
          Okay , so .... I have an important question to ask thy 


oh , love the new cover to The Lost Princess  


no dude, like seriously though ... 


@cuteunicornqueen I actually sent her a message. I wonder if she's sleeping 
जवाब दें


I'm literally crying right now. History... Oh One Direction, why do you hurt me so much.  I love the video but still. But I'll be fine... alone... in a corner... crying... with a tub of ice cream...


*awkwardly walks up to stage* *trips* *awkwardly chuckles* *taps mike and clears throat* Um. Hi. *voice cracks* Er... so I have posted another story. Yay?! The catch? It's not on my account... Oopsies? It's on my brother's account (@DenealJohnson). Check it out and give him a follow. Oh and it'll be up soon... Oh did I forget to mention? It's not up yet. Soon though. Soon... BYE!!  *falls off stage *


@cuteunicornqueen your brother ? HAHAHAHAHAHA !!  you make me laugh 
जवाब दें