
Hey guys! I’m back and better than ever! I just posted a two part Remus Lupin oneshot and a Percy Weasley one. My oneshot book is organized by characters not date published, so be careful to look through and make sure you haven’t missed any uploads! Keep a lookout cause I’ve got more on the way including more Remus, James, Harry, George, and Fred ones… Message me if you have any requests 


Hey guys! I’m back and better than ever! I just posted a two part Remus Lupin oneshot and a Percy Weasley one. My oneshot book is organized by characters not date published, so be careful to look through and make sure you haven’t missed any uploads! Keep a lookout cause I’ve got more on the way including more Remus, James, Harry, George, and Fred ones… Message me if you have any requests 


Hey Jay it’s been a long time for me lol I miss you and I hope your safe❤️❤️ and thanks for making me feel like I have a place somewhere I appreciate how your books have given me confidence ❤️❤️❤️❤️


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HIIIII :) sorry it’s been so long! i’m safe, just been so busy with high school exams and shit lol. I’m happy i’ve given you confidence because you deserve it <3 and you always have a place with me 


Not that time I was skinny shamed and none of the teachers were helping me because they were all like “at least your not being called fat” like fat shaming is horrible but like skinny shaming also exists and it hurts just as much and makes me realize how ever people look somebody will find something wrong with them like what happened to everyone supporting each other?! What is wrong with our society like the only place I feel like I won’t get judged or bullied is on Jays stories commenting my mind ‍♀️


Thank you so much  Your stories have given me so much self confidence and make me feel like I’m not alone 


oh my god I’m gonna cry that’s so sweet! I’m glad I can give you a safe space and I totally agree with you! Fat shaming is a lot more prevalent and normalized than skinny shaming so I wouldn’t call skinny or fat shaming worse because both of them are horrible and make people feel bad about their own bodies. You are perfect just the way you are and don’t forget that!!! 


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small rant because I’m in need of advice: is anyone else so disgustingly jealous of hermione granger? She’s so pretty and I just want to look like her i wish i looked like her. And shes so loved. She has loving parents, a loving older brother like friend, and her soulmate Ron. No one would ever cry for me like Ron did when Hermione was being tortured. I know what you’re thinking and yes that was more severe because it was a matter of life and death, but I genuinely almost died multiple times last year and almost had to go to the hospital and no one really gave a shit. My dad cared more than my (now ex) friends did. I know this is a selfish thing to say too, but I wish I could go back to when my mom just hated me and that was that. Everything’s so stupid complicated now because she says she loves me. She has changed I admit, but it took her three years of me suffering for her to change. I may not hate her, but what if I don’t want to forgive her? Am I being petty? There were good moments I know, but I tried to take my own life multiple times because of her and I don’t know how to move past that. I can’t move past that. I think I just want someone to grieve me, to grieve who I was. No one has ever really cared when I go through those intense lows even though I’m nice to everyone I meet even the people mean to me. Am I doing something wrong? Am I overthinking everything again? Is it such a crime to say I don’t want to be responsible and move on from what my mom did. I never got to mourn the death of who I was and no one ever mourned for me, so I’m stuck in this stupid inbetween. 


Jay I’m so sorry  I’m pretty sure your not the only one jealous of Hermione because I mean we all want that and you have every rght to be mad and not want ri move on and it’s not petty you were hurt and your mom probably dosent desserve to be forgiven right away I mean I could be out of place but still like you and everyone else dose not deserve to ever be hurt 


          I just want to say reading your books has given me so much for confidence knowing I’m not alone with like mental health stuff and yea thank you 


Thank you ❤️❤️


aw I’m glad I can help and bestie my message board is ALWAYS open and I mean ALWAYS so if you ever need advice or just to rant or to relate then hit me up


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I’m going to cry I just accidentally deleted a half written and completely planned out (with planned dialogue included) oneshot and I can’t remember what I fuckinf said and it’s not going to be as good as it originally was. Fuck my life I want to kms so bad