


The post is not aimed at you specifically.
          There’s something I’ve been wanting to say for a while now. It’s something which has had me hesitating several times. But I can’t stay silent anymore - especially as a female and a girl who has a stake in the future. A future which is going to be shaped by the actions of the present.
          To all the Americans out there... The early polls are not going to last long. And you have to know this - every damn vote makes a difference, just like every drop is needed to make an ocean. SO GET OUT THERE AND VOTE. VOTE, for a leader who will make this world a better place. Vote for somebody who respects women, the rights of the LGBTQ community and opposes the migrant policies that the current government has adopted. Vote for children - who have been seperated from their parents for months now. Vote for actions that aim to protect and conserve our environment. Vote for an end to racism and injustice and favouritism. Vote like your lives depend on it - because, in a sense, it does.
          And if it’s not clear enough already, make better choices than Trump.
          Repost, if you believe in this statement. Spread the word - because it’s never too late.


Hey Cam, just checking up on you. Hope you are writing your beautiful stories :)


Hi, sorry for such a late reply! It's really nice to hear from you. I'm doing well, thanks:) I don't have as much time to write, with school and my internship, etc., but I have gotten a chance to work on a few new ideas!
            How are you doing? How's everything going with your stories?


Hi Everybody!
          Quick question:
          Are there any of my books that you have really enjoyed and would like me to continue. I love all of my stories, but I realize now that I've probably spread myself to thin, so I wanted to see which stories you all like best. Thanks!


@TheOldUnseenGuyHere Thank you, I really appreciate it. I'll do the same:)


@cpittman928 sorry I have not got back to read your work I will try to get there soon.


@OllieRedfern recently brought a new writing site to my attention. It's called Taylz and is a site for posting and reviewing short stories. So far, I've really enjoyed reading and reviewing other people's stories. The process is very effective and the site's team has been a pleasure to work with. If any of you enjoy writing short stories, Taylz is a great place to get some helpful feedback.


@OllieRedfern I actually haven't posted any of my own stories, but from reviewing other's stories, it seems to me that a person would have to try to give a   unless review.