
It's taken a while to do this because I procrastinate EVERYTHING, but my new account is @ZeddiTheSecond ! I'll comment on this post with it if anyone wants to follow :) I'll still be active on this account as much as I can, maybe write some stuff in my one shots book every now and then. Idk XD


@YukiKyoshi_Rebooted ahh good luck XD thank you!! <3


@ZeddiTheSecond i swear i cannot find myself half the time  and it doesn't help its a deleted account, but i can usually tell from the way its written
          	  btw congrats on how popular it got!


@YukiKyoshi_Rebooted lolol there's so many comments now, I can't believe how popular it is w⁠(⁠°⁠o⁠°⁠)⁠w




@NotSylheti yahhh, idk how it happened? It was super weird :/


@ZeddiTheSecond oh gosh, thats kinda creepy and sad at the same time :(


@NotSylheti I don't know how I managed it, but I mistyped it?? Idk how I got it verified?? So I can't get an email to recover the password, which I have no clue what is


Hey, I have a question- if you still do writing.. can you make a cat noir x reader where the read is a secret villain who stole the tiger miraculous and she is alone cause hawk moth killed her parent’s so her goal is to beat hawk moth at his own game and kill him herself stealing his and showing off to people or something- lol... I thought maybe y/n could have a nice villain ark and be a bad girl who doesn't follow rules and is badass and one day she bumps into cat noir as she's not in her costume and she tries to get closer with him to steal his miraculous without him knowing but they fall in love or smth ykykyk-


@Cherrypaulove unfortunately I'm not writing for Miraculous anymore, nor can I access this account, but that's an awesome idea, I hope you find someone to write it!! 


It's taken a while to do this because I procrastinate EVERYTHING, but my new account is @ZeddiTheSecond ! I'll comment on this post with it if anyone wants to follow :) I'll still be active on this account as much as I can, maybe write some stuff in my one shots book every now and then. Idk XD


@YukiKyoshi_Rebooted ahh good luck XD thank you!! <3


@ZeddiTheSecond i swear i cannot find myself half the time  and it doesn't help its a deleted account, but i can usually tell from the way its written
            btw congrats on how popular it got!


@YukiKyoshi_Rebooted lolol there's so many comments now, I can't believe how popular it is w⁠(⁠°⁠o⁠°⁠)⁠w


Hey, it's been a while since I've had Wattpad on my phone. How are you doing? Also, I have a friend who is looking to get into ladynoir fanfiction and I was wondering if you had any clean recommendations


@cowgirlzeddison thank you:) I think she will:) 


@Bellatrix_0_0  (^‿^✿)okii! Hope she finds something she enjoys!


@cowgirlzeddison that's good:) I'm not too bad:) that's alright:) I sent her your ladynoir reading list lol


So I figured out my problem. I have a typo in my email address. If I try and fix it I'll have to verify my account again, but will that make me lose everything? I tried looking it up, but I couldn't find anything about that. It also says I need the password and as we all know, that's an issue :/ 


@-axtrids thank youuuu❤❤


@cowgirlzeddison you’re welcome! And if you need any extra help, I’m right here : )


@-axtrids thank you so so so so much!! I'll see if I can figure it out!!


Hello! So my sis: @SpiderOfWater recommended you to me and told me to say hi and 'meet' you :), so......yeah. I heard you are a fan of KOTLC and so am I! So that's pretty cool. I don't know what to say next XD


that sounds interesting, ill look into it :) so we both like books! Do you have any other interests that aren't on your bio that you would be fine with telling me/everyone else about?


@Amaly-Lux yeah, I wish they weren't mostly all dead but I guess that's the point of it, you don't always get a happy ending :/ it's super cool! There's this mansion in North Carolina called the Biltmore House and Serafina lives there in hiding with her dad, but she has a lot of things to figure out about herself. And there's all these dark forces threatening the house that she and her new friend that also has some special things about him have to fight against to protect their families. I'm trying not to spoil anything major, but they're sooo good!!


Ah yes, the Hunger Games. I did like those. I think the ending of the movie and the books could've been better, but everything else was pretty great.
            I've never heard Serafina before. What's that one about?


Hey everyone! Some of you may remember how a few months ago, (October, I think) I wasn't able to get on here much? Well it's happening again and I don't think it will get better this time, because it's a little different now. So I'm getting a new phone and since I never found out the password for this account I'll be making a new one. But I feel more at peace now (lol I sound like I'm gonna keel over) because I finished Certain Akuma. I'll try and find all my friends again and if I can, I'll post what my new user is and put it in my description. I should be able to use this account some, for a little longer at least. Idk if I can take any of my one shots to the other account, but if I can I may continue the Camilo story I have going, or turn it into something longer. So this isn't goodbye, just a see you later! Thank you to everyone for following me, and being so kind to me! I love you all, and I'll be seeing you again soon! ❤❤❤❤