
Hello! Karin here. 
          	First of all I want to apologize for going on hiatus. After my wedding last two months, I realized how much things have changed and I am still adapting to my new life/schedule. Wattpad has been the last thing on my mind for the past two months.
          	I am still not ready to continue the book club as I am the sole admin for Concinnity.
          	If I'm coming back, I'll probably publish and start a new book club instead of continuing with CCBC.
          	I'll keep you posted on any changes and updates.
          	Thank you for always being here!


@concinnitycircle good to hear that you're adapting to wedded bliss and only natural that Concinnity has fallen down your to do list. Thanks for running it for as long as you did. It introduced me to a lot of good writers, gave me a lot of good suggestions on how to improve my own writing and was a good place to hang out. Let us know if you dive in again - JLD



Hello! Karin here. 
          First of all I want to apologize for going on hiatus. After my wedding last two months, I realized how much things have changed and I am still adapting to my new life/schedule. Wattpad has been the last thing on my mind for the past two months.
          I am still not ready to continue the book club as I am the sole admin for Concinnity.
          If I'm coming back, I'll probably publish and start a new book club instead of continuing with CCBC.
          I'll keep you posted on any changes and updates.
          Thank you for always being here!


@concinnitycircle good to hear that you're adapting to wedded bliss and only natural that Concinnity has fallen down your to do list. Thanks for running it for as long as you did. It introduced me to a lot of good writers, gave me a lot of good suggestions on how to improve my own writing and was a good place to hang out. Let us know if you dive in again - JLD


Good day, friends!
          We have just published our Concinnity Aesthetic Circle (aka graphics shop) for winners of the Writer’s Circle Awards 2019! The shop will be open for a while, before we close it off and focus on making the graphics for the winners. 
          All winners can check it out and comment on our request pages, and be sure to follow the rules, otherwise we will not accept your request and will continue to deny until you follow the rules. We will try our best to finish the requests as soon as possible, and we hope not to disappoint!
          Have a great day and we look forward to the replies!
          Arlena and Dusk, aesthetic admins of Concinnity Circle


@pluviophile_bookworm you can check it out here! - Arlena


Quick question - how do I know who the graphic designers and/or cover makers of this community are? It doesn't appear that you have a book posted for them. 
          Also, thank you so much for hosting these awards :)


@pluviophile_bookworm Hi there! The aesthetic admins of this community are mentioned in the bio. For prize covers, you can contact @Huntrezz54 and @DuskieeDawn since they're available right now. We will soon post a book for them once they have enough time on their hands. Thank you! 
            - Dusk 