
Hello hi it’s Hannah and you probably thought I died or something lol jk. But anywayyyyy I’ve recently reread The Forgotten One, and lemme just say it’s AWFUL omfg. Sooo I know I’ve said this before, but I’ve recently had some new ideas, and I want to actually rewrite it. Idk if I’ll be keeping anything the same, though.. but my creative juices have been flowing the last few weeks and idk, I just really want to submerge myself into the Marauders era once again. So uhhh yeah that’s it I guess. 
          	Ps hmu on instagram @chamberoftextposts thx 


Hello hi it’s Hannah and you probably thought I died or something lol jk. But anywayyyyy I’ve recently reread The Forgotten One, and lemme just say it’s AWFUL omfg. Sooo I know I’ve said this before, but I’ve recently had some new ideas, and I want to actually rewrite it. Idk if I’ll be keeping anything the same, though.. but my creative juices have been flowing the last few weeks and idk, I just really want to submerge myself into the Marauders era once again. So uhhh yeah that’s it I guess. 
          Ps hmu on instagram @chamberoftextposts thx 


Tbh i follow you on instagram by @/howaboutnewt and many of my other accounts like @/hungrierthanallofyou but besdies the point i really love your posts too and im a huge potterhead too and i cant wait to read your book even tho you said you want to edit it but i will read it anyways bc i know it'll be great. ALso im so into the Marauders time and omgosh im reallt excited to read your book so ima do that 


*forgotten one jeez i don't even know the title of my own story 


ahaha i just saw this now, but i'm planning on rewriting the forgotten so that there aren't as many plot holes and the story actually gets completed (i got too lazy on the original and just kinda threw together an ending and published it ) so yeah 


So I really love your fanfic "The Forgotten One" because, first of all, Marauders, and second of all it doesn't really alter the plot of the HP books. It's so hard to find Marauder fics like that. I sat there for a good 30 minutes after I read it just going through everything in my mind and thinking about how Logan/Astrid went into hiding so it probably a painful memory for the Marauders so it makes sense that they wouldn't have mentioned it to the HP kids and how when they "defeated" Voldemort the first time and she was finally able to come out of hiding, Sirius was in Azkaban and when he escaped she probably saw the headlines and started searching for him but I mean he's in hiding now and at this time all the rumors of Voldemort being back start circulating so I'm sure after the first time Logan/Astrid is going to be extra cautious and go into hiding until it's proven true or false but during this time, Sirius unfortunately dies....
          It just really got my mind working and it fits perfectly and I absolutely love it. Your story was beautiful and just... yes. 
          Thank you for writing "The Forgotten One"


Aww omg you're so sweet! I personally don't like how I left things so open, but you saying that it makes sense makes me feel so much better about it. Thank you so much. 


Haven't updated anything in awhile, but I just thought I'd let you know that I changed my username. I used to be @hogwatsrunner, but I wanted this username to match my Instagram one. 
          Also, I am thinking of doing one-shot things (like mini short stories) but I'm not 100% sure yet. I am also working on a teen fiction story that I might start to post but I'm also not sure about that. 
          Have a good day/night! (But only if you want to! )