
Read Heirs of Planet Life Trilogy.
          	GOVERNING IDEA: We will become them and then, they will become us.
          	Trilogy story inspired by the verse of the holy bible (REVELATION 22:13): "I am the Alpha and the Omega. There is no one before me, neither shall there be after..."
          	Book 1 - Heirs of Planet Life
          	Book 2 - The Origin of Life
          	Book 3 - The Battle of Gods
          	LOGLINE: An insecure young man, in love with a mysterious classmate, who reveals herself to be an alien willing to do anything to save her universe, finds himself involved in a risky journey where he is the only one capable of saving an alien princess from a mortal enemy.
          	What mysteries are hidden beyond the stars?
          	While most of the youngsters are concerned with faculty, friendships and even girlfriends, Nicholas spends his hours with his head out of orbit; literally. Making the course of Astronomy, he feels better among gaseous bodies, supernova stars and black holes, dreaming in one day to unravel the great enigmas of the Universe. Until a mysterious girl enters the classroom ...
          	And Nicholas discovers, excited, that he finds his own star.
          	Zara is her name, the one whose hair looks like rays of sun, the only one capable of wringing the air - and the voice - of the young protagonist of this story. And, against all possibilities, something arises between then. But do not think that this is a teenage romance like so many that you have read, because Zara, contrary to what Nícolas thinks, is not what it seems. Coming from an unknown galaxy, she has a mission: To attract Nicholas and take him to her planet, alive.
          	At any cost.
          	The success of her mission depends not only on her future, but on everything she believes in ... including the future of humanity. When the truth appears, Nicholas is wrapped in a web of lies and intrigue that goes beyond everything he dreamed of. Between telekinetic powers, time gaps, and scientific data, space folds, revealing that the aliens we know are closer - and more like us - than we imagine.


Read Heirs of Planet Life Trilogy.
          GOVERNING IDEA: We will become them and then, they will become us.
          Trilogy story inspired by the verse of the holy bible (REVELATION 22:13): "I am the Alpha and the Omega. There is no one before me, neither shall there be after..."
          Book 1 - Heirs of Planet Life
          Book 2 - The Origin of Life
          Book 3 - The Battle of Gods
          LOGLINE: An insecure young man, in love with a mysterious classmate, who reveals herself to be an alien willing to do anything to save her universe, finds himself involved in a risky journey where he is the only one capable of saving an alien princess from a mortal enemy.
          What mysteries are hidden beyond the stars?
          While most of the youngsters are concerned with faculty, friendships and even girlfriends, Nicholas spends his hours with his head out of orbit; literally. Making the course of Astronomy, he feels better among gaseous bodies, supernova stars and black holes, dreaming in one day to unravel the great enigmas of the Universe. Until a mysterious girl enters the classroom ...
          And Nicholas discovers, excited, that he finds his own star.
          Zara is her name, the one whose hair looks like rays of sun, the only one capable of wringing the air - and the voice - of the young protagonist of this story. And, against all possibilities, something arises between then. But do not think that this is a teenage romance like so many that you have read, because Zara, contrary to what Nícolas thinks, is not what it seems. Coming from an unknown galaxy, she has a mission: To attract Nicholas and take him to her planet, alive.
          At any cost.
          The success of her mission depends not only on her future, but on everything she believes in ... including the future of humanity. When the truth appears, Nicholas is wrapped in a web of lies and intrigue that goes beyond everything he dreamed of. Between telekinetic powers, time gaps, and scientific data, space folds, revealing that the aliens we know are closer - and more like us - than we imagine.


Read #HeirsofPlanetLife trilogy.
          Inspired by the verse of the holy bible (REVELATION 22:13):
           "I am the Alpha and the Omega. There is no one before me, neither shall there be after..."
          Where did the idea to write come from?
          One of the books of Dentistry that I studied, talked about the tendency of human beings to decrease the size and number of teeth because of the industrialized diet we currently use. We might compare Homo sapiens with our ancestors, the Australopithecus.
          It is clear artificial intelligence and robotics can cause changes in human development (the theme I use in #OOutroLado story idea), but Heirs of Planet Life Trilogy (OSFilhosDoTempo) is to make us think about the future of humanity and, especially, the preservation of the environment.
          It follows the Synthetic Theory of Evolution about the survival of beings and transmission of the characteristics that best adapt to the environment to subsequent generations, genetic recombination and mutations during this process.
          I add that to the Einstein-Rosen bridge, which would make it possible to travel through wormholes and spatial folds consequent to the Theory of Relativity, allowing time-travel. 
          Target public: YA
          Genre: Sci-fi
           #Scifi #games #Book  #film #Tvseries  #booknerd #bookstagram  #executiveproducer #Wattpad #animation #originalcontent #ott #reading

          Image created by Bing AI


Leia a #ficçãocientífica " O Outro Lado " de #ChaieneSantos no #Wattpad and #Amazon.
          (2018) Eda-Bn - (C) Todos os direitos reservados.
          Arena - São Paulo ano 2040
          Plot: Vingança contra a Máfia dos Órgãos.
          Gênero: Thrillerpolicial com #scyfy sobre o agente federal Samuel. 
          Narrativa em modelo híbrido com syuzhets de segundo campo. Veja a premissa e siga o autor #ChaieneSantos nas redes sociais.
          Arena - São Paulo ano 2040
          No futuro, o agente federal Samuel, que tem aversão a paternidade, descobre uma rede ilegal de transplantes de órgãos de crianças e adultos que envolve policiais e políticos poderosos. 
          Após uma emboscada, ele morre e seus órgãos são negociados. Quando seu cérebro é doado a um novo corpo, ele ganha uma chance de viver. 
          Além de buscar vingança contra seus algozes, ele decide reconquistar seu amor Bruna. Para isso, precisa convencê-la de sua real identidade, mas o malévolo Doutor Alma fará de tudo para impedi-lo.
           #scifi #editora #publisher #kindle  #executiveproducer  #transmedia #livro  #book #ott #streaming #booktok #Hacker  #inteligênciaartificial #futuro #sciencefiction 


Read #HeirsofPlanetLife trilogy by author #ChaieneSantos on #Amazon and #Wattpad.
          GOVERNING IDEA: We will become them and then, they will become us.
          LOGLINE: An insecure young man, in love with a mysterious classmate, who reveals herself to be an alien willing to do anything to save her universe, finds himself involved in a risky journey where he is the only one capable of saving an alien princess from a mortal enemy.
          In Alaska, as soon as Science ship was located, Merko got into his spaceship along with his crew, to reach the depths of the sea and find it. The mountain covered in ice opened a gap in its frontal side and Star Hunter ship was launched with all its exuberance towards its destiny.
          "Crom, set the ship to the invisible mode! I'll leave you in charge of the command bridge so I can get some rest."
          "Yes, Captain."
          During the journey back, the commander sat down on a chair and remembered his last mission on Earth, twenty-three years ago in terrestrial years. He came here with his friend Silion to test spatial warps and time travels.
          They were on a reconnaissance flight over Canada and the USA before going to the secret base. During the trip, they were intercepted by the American Air Force, which captured his friend in order to carry on some experiences and study him...
           #Scifi #sciencefiction #book #livro #Scyfy #editora #transmedia #ott  #executiveproducer #film #tvseries  #streaming  #animation #tvseries  #comics #HQ #publisher 


Read #ThePhantomMan Duology by #ChaieneSantos available on #Amazon and #Wattpad in English, Portuguese and Spanish printed and e-book. Follow the author...
          STORYLINE: According to the prophecy, Phillip is an impetuous young wizard who is born to save the world from destruction. He is saved from death by the wizard Juan who cares for him. Warlock Klaus who helps the inquisitors to pursue the witches, wants to master the world of the living and the dead and pursues Phillip through the ages since the medieval age.
           #fantasy #book #Tvseries #studios #ott #disneystudios  #transmedia #VFX #animation  #publisher #editora  #amazonkindle #film  #streaming 


Read #HeirsofPlanetLife Trilogy. A Science Fiction story with over two million readings on #Wattpad. Available in Portuguese, Spanish and English on #Amazon printed and ebook.
          LOGLINE: An insecure young student with great immunity powers tries to save a girl with a lethal virus on a distant planet. An alien girl falls in love with him and helps him on this mission, but an enemy tries to stop him at any cost.
          “Nick? Hey, are you listening to me? It seems like I’m talking to myself”, she called him with a smile.
          Shameful as any boy who’s in love would be, Nicholas turned to her and apologized. He’d never think about making her embarrassed.
          As Zara spoke, the young man observed her mouth moving as if in slow motion, amazed. His body and soul were now overwhelmed by the strong desire to get close to her; kissing her would be as if a supernova was being born on his own lips. 
           #scifi #OTT #storytelling #studios #alien #book  #editora #animation  #publisher #scyfy #sciencefiction #booktok  #kindle #streaming #originalcontent #creativewriting


Leia " O Outro Lado " de #ChaieneSantos na #Amazon e #Wattpad.
          (2018) Eda-Bn - (C) Todos os direitos reservados.
          Arena - São Paulo ano 2040
          Plot: Vingança contra a Máfia dos Órgãos.
          Gênero: Thrillerpolicial com #scyfy sobre o agente federal Samuel. 
          Quando o policial entrou no apartamento, ela estava sentada no sofá lendo um livro de romance, no seu peito estava o colar com o pingente perto do seu coração. Depois de ouvir o barulho da porta, a doutora virou-se e o viu, iluminado por uma fresta de sol que se refletia em seu rosto.
          — Samuel, é você? – Bruna correu para os braços dele sorrindo.
          — É lógico que sou eu. Quem mais poderia ser?
          Samuel se aproximou dela e a beijou nos lábios rosados. Depois deu-lhe a mão e a puxou para si, abraçando-a forte contra seu peito.
          — Meu amor! Como eu amo você. Que saudade!
          — Mas você desapareceu!
          Foi quando ele lhe contou o motivo.
          O agente federal lhe disse que voltara de uma viagem longa, onde precisou atuar em uma operação secreta.
          — Não podia entrar em contato com você, pois colocaria em risco a operação, além de sua vida. Me perdoe, querida.
           #independentwriter #hacker #editora #publisher #kindle  #executiveproducer  #sciencefiction  #transmedia #livro #book  #ott #streaming #booktok #inteligênciaartificial #futuro 


Lee El Bisturi de Oro, una novela policíaca del autor brasileño #ChaieneSantos. Disponible también en #Wattpad.
          - ...Creo que el año que viene ya no podré estudiar en el colegio, pues la empresa donde mi padre trabaja ofrece beca solamente hasta el primer año de enseñanza media – respondió Eduardo.
          — La siento mucho, amigo. Espero que consigas una buena escuela para estudiar. – Dijo Glauco pareciendo sentir pesar, pero la verdad es que sentía alegría por ver a Eduardo ir mal. – Con la familia que tienes, cualquier colegio será bueno. Tus padres te tratan con cariño y amor, al contrario que los míos. Mi padre está siempre exigiéndome sobre lo que voy a ser en la vida. No me abraza ni me oye, principalmente, cuando es la hora del telediario o está viendo alguna película. Mi madre me deja hacer lo que quiera. Parece que no existo. Siento falta de padres como los tuyos. Soy hijo único y tengo todo lo que quiero de lo bueno y de lo mejor, pero no tengo el amor de los míos.
          Sus palabras eran llenas de falsedad; sus ojos brillaban de forma cruel y envidiosa. Algo de equívoco había con esa criatura, que no conseguía disimular lo que tenía dentro de sus ojos, pero nadie percibiera esos sentimientos que venían de su corazón. Aunque muchas veces él mismo dijera que no soportaba falsedad y mentira, para transmitir que era un sujeto de buen carácter. Pero en el fondo era la propia simulación en persona.
           #libro #novela #policial #streaming #studios #executiveproducer #kindle #ghost #netflix #ott #alien #story   #film #Amblin #editora #publisher  #book #sciencefiction


¡Hola! Lee la fantástica historia #ElHombreFantasma 2, duología del #autor  #ChaieneSantos. Disponible también en inglés y portugués en #Amazon y #Wattpad (primer capítulo).
          ... Se la presentó a su jefe como evidencia de haber cumplido su misión de matar a la bruja.
          Pero su corazón estaba entorpecido de añoranza. Un día, sin decir a nadie hacia dónde viajaría, Giancarlo decidió desertar de su función y huir a la aldea donde su amada vivía. Allá constituyó una familia con ella. Decidió casarse y después de algunos años la esposa le dio un hijo que amaba, Klaus. Un niño que se esforzaba en aprender la profesión de Ferrero con su progenitor.
          Tras varios años, cuando alguien delató al desertor, una guarnición de soldados comandada por dos inquisidores fue enviada a fin de capturarle. El niño vio a su padre, que estaba forjando una espada ser capturado y asesinado mientras su madre era lanzada a la hoguera sin piedad. Antes de la masacre, el niño huyó y se escondió dentro de una fosa llena de desperdicios de la villa, que fue el único lugar donde no buscaron.
           #fantasy #dneg #publisher #editora #studios #book #ott #streaming #kindle #film  #originalcontent  #transmedia  #storyfranchise  #executiveproducer