
Three new chapters up!! Give them a read if you’d like :) 


Do you know anywhere I can get examples of summary for IGCSE O Level examination?... It would be really helpful... And btw, I love your writing style it helps me a lot. :)


thank you so much :) i’m not sure exactly where to find an example, but there’s tonnes of great articles on the internet showing you how to write a summary step by step, hope this helps x


but hiii i love your writing style. Your pieces are AMAZING like-
          i would love if you gave some tips or guides because I have an English exam tomorrow..and eah. we use IGCSE standards btw.
          also bmf?


@bobstrawberry it would be highly appreciated, thank you!


Hiya, sorry to reply late! Thanks so much for commenting, I’m currently working on another GCSE guide but I don’t know if it will be ready for tonight :( I can message you with a few quick tips if you’d like 


I’m not sure if anyone will see this haha but i just wanted to say that I’m kind of running low on GCSE writing material. But I am doing English A level and still writing in my free time. If you guys are interested I can keep posting new pieces that I write, or I can post more creative writing guides. Let me know :) 
          Also would you want it to be GCSE creative writing guides or just creative writing guides in general?


@Farahkully1 Hi! I’ve been very busy with coursework these past months but seeing all your positive feedback I am going to set aside a few hours this week to add to the collection and give you guys more tips :)  I’ll try to have at least 2 new chapters published by the end of next week 


@bobstrawberry please keep posting I get to learn so much from you . My son has to take IGCSE next year I would love for you to help and guide him please


Keep posting new pieces!