
Going back through your old writing is crazy my dudes, I promise to write a lot better from now on lol




@FagWithATiara  I don't really come on anymore lol


@piegirl23 Sup, long time no see


Not hating, and I just stumbled upon your page, but you're a Morman? That's the religion that says they're Christian or something and then twists the Bible and changes what it says? Not trying to be offensive, I just want to know. You see, I'm a Christian and I really dont know much on the matter :P


@dan-dere hi! I know it's been a while since you posted this but since you never got a reply, I'd like to be the one to clear a few things up for you. Members of the Church of Jesus Christ and Latter-Day Saints-Most commonly known as Mormons- are a subject that I know greatly about. If you have any questions on them, feel free to ask me any-I'd love to help you out. First, though,  I would love to clear a few things up for you. Mormons believe the King James version of the Bible to be the word of God, as far as it is translated correctly- that means that some parts of the Bible they believe to be literal, some parts metaphorical. Like that bible verse where it says not to mix fabrics- it's a metaphor. Just like any Christian has their own interpretation of the Bible. They also have a book they believe to be another Testament of Jesus Christ, written by the Native Americans in New Testament times. This book is called the Book of Mormon, hence the nickname "Mormon". 