
Okay I need to let y'all know what's going on. I also know a few of you have a lot going on, too, so you will probably get it.
          	Not only did I take on a huge commitment last year, but I also took in my sister and her 4 kids the first week or so of June 2022. This is a wonderful, wonderful thing as she has left an abusive relationship and is the very stressful, scary and elating transition period right now. I am also having to take on part time work in order to bring a bit more income in (though I feel i shouldn't have to *eye roll*) so it's going to be even harder than the last 24 months to write on my own work as well as give the feedback all of you deserve for your wonderful creations. 
          	I will be trying my very best to get back on here and update, but the stress and time taken away from this beloved platform is taking it's toll. 
          	I will be back, and it will be sporadic for a time. 
          	Have good health, keep creating and love others.


Okay I need to let y'all know what's going on. I also know a few of you have a lot going on, too, so you will probably get it.
          Not only did I take on a huge commitment last year, but I also took in my sister and her 4 kids the first week or so of June 2022. This is a wonderful, wonderful thing as she has left an abusive relationship and is the very stressful, scary and elating transition period right now. I am also having to take on part time work in order to bring a bit more income in (though I feel i shouldn't have to *eye roll*) so it's going to be even harder than the last 24 months to write on my own work as well as give the feedback all of you deserve for your wonderful creations. 
          I will be trying my very best to get back on here and update, but the stress and time taken away from this beloved platform is taking it's toll. 
          I will be back, and it will be sporadic for a time. 
          Have good health, keep creating and love others.


Heyoo, Bernie.
          I come to deliver a special invitation to you! An invitation to stories that could bring a dynamic lived or even impressionistic. Transmitting sensations during a melancholic reading, perhaps poetry in this case. Oh, interested? Why not take a look at it? See you around, and don't forget to comment and vote, your words are important. 



Hiya just to let you know I've posted a new story. It took me a year to finish but it's done and I've put it up to help give my readers a bit of a break from this lockdown. I won't be keeping it up however because of the theft issues I've ith ny stories but it'll be up several days. So letting my readers know so they can be sure to read it while it's up if they are interested. It's called IMPRISONED. :0)


Hey I just started reading the " Her, to home" by Grey_Storm117 and I found you in the comments section there. You seemed quite interested in the story so maybe of you would like to check out my story, " Will You Ever Love Me??", I would be very thankful.
          Only if you are interested absolutely no pressure.
          Here it is:


@bernie-26 Thank you and I hope you enjoy it


@RiaThedreamer sure, not like I don't have reading time right now.